This week had been upsidedown. One of the popular boys messaged me. I found out a while new layer of trauma I didn't even know I had. And I found out my brother is into shipping. What da fawk
Sorry that I've been ghost! I broke my phone and my tablet in the same day and since my Wattpad account is secret, I couldn't log in on any other device! Ill try to update my books as soon as I can. On a separate note, Happy pride month!
I call this things that i i didnt know were mental ilness/nuerodivergency related.
You're telling me that it isnt normal to get duoer fixated onto something and block out the entire world around you. How cis that not normal.
I think I might be crazy. So I thought that hearing voices and breathing down your neck was normal . Guess not. So now I'm gonna go to a psychiatry doctor person to figure out which type of crazy I am. Yay.
What do you do if you're friend is supposed to be in class and isn't answering your messages and you wanna stab them for worrying you but you can't? Asking for a friend.