
Hola personita detrás de la pantalla! Vengo a rayar tú muro UwU
          Rayado ✓✓
          También vengo a dejar la hermosa marca anti balas de mis queridos Bagtan Boys <3
          WE ARE BULLETPROOF  NO MORE DREAMS we not make true JUST ONE DAY and we are in FIRE. There is no DANGER is SPRING DAY and I NEED U This life is DOPE we don't RUN back NOT TODAY today we gonna MIC DROP in stage We are BOYs IN LUV YOUNG FOREVER Just like a BUTTERFLY don't les us disappear We want stay here FOR YOU So SAVE ME take all our BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS It's not just a WAR OF HORMONE N.O! It's more than that This isn't SERENDIPITY this is in our DNA
          Que tengas un hermoso día~
          Stalkeada ✓✓