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          	If you're looking for a read about real life issues, first love, and growing up, 'The Opposite of Falling Apart' might be for you! Check it out on the list. 
          	If you've read and enjoyed TOOFA, please consider leaving a review on goodreads or b&n (or whichever bookstore is your personal favorite:)) I'll love you forever! ❤


@titanically- when you do publish Superioris I can only imagine Ign and Cas as Brennan and Jonas hehe but from an alternate universe hehe


@titanically- I bought your book on Amazon because I didnt know where to buy it except wattpad but wanted a copy in book form. I was lucky to get the last one! I'm so in love with your book ❤ Thank you for writing it, I absolutely loved every bit and couldn't put it down ❤ Jonas and Brennan... I literally fell in love with so much ❤


@titanically- Just bought your book from B&N! Can't wait to read it!


Hello! I wrote a book about Vampire...If you are interested then please check it out and leave a vote it would really help me. It's the first ever book I wrote so I am really looking forward to your opinion!
          And I don't know if I am allowed to promote here or not so please feel free to ignore my messege if it's disturbing. Thanks for reading it anyway. I appreciate it!!!