
sorry if i havent been replying as quickly or regularly as usual. im having a really tough time rn so please be patient with me.


          	  Hope your okay Levi hun. <3
          	  Rest up hun


“Hey Jae..uhh Eren. Happy birthday~”


@-lost_Sold1er-    ,,
            / its not letting me reply to our main rp :((
            eren was blushing slightly as the other pulled away, a bit flustered when he saw the bag.
            "i- jean, you cant tease me like that- i thought the kiss was the present." he whined before kissing jean's cheek as he took the bag, "but thank you." 


            Kissing the brunette Jean pulled away smirking. 
            “Right. Here is your present ~”
            He teased meaning the kiss wasn’t it. 
            He handed a bag that had some of Eren’s favourite sweets inside it. 


@-lost_Sold1er-    ,,
            eren was surprised and shocked at first, his eyes widening before he slowly kissed back.


He was stressed. More so than usual. And he didn't know what to do about it or how to go along with it. 
          Well he had one coping mechanism but he truly didn't want to have someone find out about it. He knew the consequences. He knew what he was doing was wrong. But he needed his mind to be quiet, just for one night. 
          Lighting the cigarette up, Hachi sat on their window still and blew out the smoke - hoping that his boyfriend at the moment doesn't see. 


this message may be offensive
( @titanshiftz )
            ❝ Fuck, Eren! ❞
            Hachi huffed loudly at the cigarette being taken from him. But he knew that Eren was only upset out of concern for his wellbeing. It still didn't make him happy that his one source of some relaxation is now gone. 
            ❝ You've told me that's it's very bad and it'll kill me. Things I already know about. ❞
            His hand ruffled his wavy messy hair, tugging a handful of it — he stood up from the window still and stared up at Eren. His hand was open palm flat in the air. 
            He knew he didn't look scary. Far from it. His eyeline when close to Eren looked at his nose ; Eren meanwhile could see the top of his head. And he has no fighting experience unlike him. It was just a bad match. Even so, he wanted to at least stand up for himself. 
            ❝ I need relief. Everything is so goddamn stressful. I just— I just need it, Eren. Let me just finish that one. ❞


@H0NEYTEA-    ,,
            as soon as eren caught of whiff of that familiar smoke, he was out of his and hachi's room and straight to where the other was smoking.
            he almost didnt believe what he was seeing, his eyes widening when he saw hachi with the cigarette.
            "what on earth are you doing?" he questioned as he walked over swiftly, snatching the cigarette from his lover.
            "what have i said about smoking? never do it." eren spoke in a serious tone, like a scolding worried parent, "why would you do this, hachi? after i said about how bad it is." 