Hello everyone! I thought I’d share some news on whether I will continue Dark Side or not since it’s begun to gain traction again these past few months. Good news is, I will at some point! Semi-bad news is, I made the decision to pursue postgraduate education while continuing full time work and I have struggled with enough time for all my hobbies! I put a lot of care into the quality of work I put out to you guys and that’s why I haven’t posted anything, but I have written about 2k words for next chapter and I’m hoping to finish it in a few months thank you for your continued interest and support and I know this is not what you hoped to hear but I hope you can understand where I am coming from xx

Sososososo happy and relieved to know you’re continuing the story omg. I paused my reading bc it was just too freaking good and I was HOOKED and it’d just get too painful to get to the “end” before it was entirely finished. But I’m certainly eternally looking forward to the day it continues being updated., however long that may take. Until then,, I’m just so glad it’s still your intention and commitment to finish it as much as it’s ours to read <33333 good luck with real life adulthood it’s tough being a girl out here

@titieli I'm happy to read you! Don't worry, you have a life outside of Wattpad; It's understandable to have priorities. For the rest I wish you to reach all your goals, with best wishes. Whenever you want and especially when you can, we will be here to read and support your writing work. I hug you from Italy!