
I just finished This Love-Hate Relationship on AO3 & I was wondering if you were going to post it here and/or possibly write a sequel to it.


            In general, other than Gone by GiveMeMyOwn, I only read prinxiety. I only started Gone because I know Kam (the author). I only continued it because I got wrapped up in it & even now, I still don't read it often. I tend to save most of my reading for PrevailedPrince. Lmao 
            However, I would be happy to take a look at what you've got. Thanks again!


@strazydaze also though they are not TLHR, I've written quite a lot that I'm quite proud of that I think you'd enjoy:
            Pretty much anything from Floral Flirtation onward, depending on the ships you ship. 
            If you end up reading any of them, I'd love to know what you think! :D
            Thank you again for your patience!


            In general, I don't usually read one-shots. However, there are always exceptions. I'll be sure to check this out. Thanks for the link.