Hey guys. Its been a while since i posted. A lot of stuff happened in my life. I got hit by a truck exactly the day after i posted. I stayed in the hospital for a lot of months and had to get a lot of operations because some venomous insects also bit me. I had to get my left leg cut off and i might have cancer. I am still in the hospital and i am unable to write more of Catland. Please stop reading it. I tried to shoot myself numerous times because of it. My parents dont care about me anymore. Im on my own and they had 4 more children. I dont even know their names. The doctors are unable to supply me with the needed amount of nutrients to keep me alive. This is so Slay queen. I have lost the will to live, just like my hair. My lungs are giving up on me and the hospital workers hate me because of everything that happened to me. Its all brcause of catland. If you read it you are pretty ableist rn. My grandma also fell down the stairs while going to visit me in the Hospital and my grandfather walked out of the elevator too slowly and got severly injured. Both his arms had to be amputated and i still remember his blood-curling screams. I heard it all. Other than that, i'm fine. I hope i die soon and please don't read my works. Thanks. :/
@toadmelon Wiem gdzie mieszkasz. W tej chwili, do twojej dokładnej lokalizacji wysyłam bombę rurową do twojego domu. Listonosz którego zatrudniłam jest seryjnym zabójcą z Rumunii. Gdy zadzwoni twój dzwonek od domu, listonosz przyczepi do ściany tą bombę i ustawi ją tak, żeby eksplodowała za 30 sekund od jego przybycia. Wtedy ucieknie, a ty nie zdąrzysz nawet uciec, ponieważ bomba jest schowana, a ja zamurowałam twój dom. Mam nadzieję że odczujesz wielki ból podczas swojej śmierci