not me halfway writing a book when i feel inspired. i love writing but i do not like the pressure of having to update so fast. i feel like that is when i start to lose interest or my ideas stop flowing. is anyone else like this LMAO?
@harrieshippie STOP i love you dear :,) <3 also two more books!!! that’s so exciting wtf
@silverspringsrry that’s a really good idea and i’m so happy it’s working for you. i feel like it’d be so much easier that way so that’s what i’m doing with two other books! and i love you so much you’re the best
@harrieshippie writers block was so bad with oddity. i just got so uninspired so fast once i started having to write so much on a timeline so i ended up just unpublishing. what i’m doing now seems to be working.. just writing when i can and keeping it to myself until i’m done or close to it. i literally wrote like 2 chapters today alone LMAO. evil walks is so good tho queen i am obsessed!!!!