
I want to thank the few people that never fail to send a vote my way for Shameless Musings:) thank you for making my day every time and allowing me to share all the things I'd never say otherwise. I wanted you all to know that I'm aware and I appreciate it very much <3


@tobiasthelion that means a lot, thank you, Megara :)


there was supposed to be a heart at the end of that but as I always say: Wattpad hates me


Hey there :) I just wanted to say I hope you’re still writing. I’ve gotten back to fiction writing recently and it’s had me looking back on the last time I was doing that—exchanging ideas and feedback with you, and all the incredible stuff you were creating. You remain the most talented writer I’ve ever known. I hope you’re using that talent still somehow, even if only for yourself. Wishing you the best, always.


I want to thank the few people that never fail to send a vote my way for Shameless Musings:) thank you for making my day every time and allowing me to share all the things I'd never say otherwise. I wanted you all to know that I'm aware and I appreciate it very much <3


@tobiasthelion that means a lot, thank you, Megara :)


there was supposed to be a heart at the end of that but as I always say: Wattpad hates me


tobiasss boyfriend person thing idek at this point xD
          randomly decided to say hi, lovely poetry btw ended up reading some older messages of ours and laughing.
          still watching stitchers? c: 


no habla espanol


and happy belated birthday.
            im definitely not five months late. c: 



@rescuemechinboy nah, thats hilarious and im sure they appreciated it. 


tbh i had a ton more but i didn't want to let things get too out of hand lolol. i get too excited about holidays. freshman year i baked cookies for the entire theatre department and gave them all cards. i need to chill. 


@rescuemechinboy you know me too well wow twenty one pilots? music notes? lions? youre the best, Megara :) happy Valentines day!


well, it only took me over a month, but Godsend is complete! don't even ask where the inspiration came from because that would be a lengthy tale. i'd like to thank all of my readers for encouraging updates and actually finding my inner thoughts and feelings intriguing. thank you. hopefully, this is the first of many. now, i'd like to take a quick second to give a special thanks to my dear friend, megara, who has been with this book since the beginning and constantly has support and love to give. i appreciate you and as soon as i figure out how, i'll be dedicating the last chapter to you. thanks you all again and i hope you enjoy the final chapter of Godsend
          with love, tobias 


why didn't I see this!! haha I suck. I'll always be there to cheer you on, no thanks is necessary <3 


Look at that! I've finally maintained a weekly update for Godsend - two weeks in a row! Now, there will probably be only one update left. I'll try my absolute best to make it in a week and not make you wait five years. Then again, we all know I'm unpredictable asf. Keeps things interesting, wouldn't you say? Nevertheless, go check that new update out and I'll get busy writing the last part. Thanks and much love, Tobias


so i feel like a colossal ass for waiting FOREVER to update Godsend, sorry if Hell has already frozen over. if it hasn't and you're feeling like forgiving me, you can finally check out the next chapter of Logan and Michaela's story over there. thanks guys


@tobiasthelion sounds lovely, glad i didn't miss it. then i guess we're both good haha 


Yep, you are. Just kidding. If you're an ass, then I'm a clingy twat. Also, it's actually pretty warm down here in Hell today. I think there's a cold front coming in, though. 