
This may be an unpopular opinion but I believe in the rights of Free Speech.
          	Today, I voted in my very first Presidential Election and it was a truly liberating experience. 
          	I will not say who I voted for because I strongly believe in the right to a private vote. 
          	I hope to one day see my own name on a voting ballot launching my national political career. 
          	Thank you and Goodnight!


This may be an unpopular opinion but I believe in the rights of Free Speech.
          Today, I voted in my very first Presidential Election and it was a truly liberating experience. 
          I will not say who I voted for because I strongly believe in the right to a private vote. 
          I hope to one day see my own name on a voting ballot launching my national political career. 
          Thank you and Goodnight!


          I know this is said a lot but hold onto your friends while you have them. 
          I'm going through extreme friend withdrawals causing to go from being happy to hysterically crying just by thinking about them. 
          Love them while you can


I’m sorry you’re going through that. 


Hi everyone. Has anyone heard anything relating to Quiet Riot's drummer, Frank? I saw something on Slash's Instagram from 3 hours ago with a picture of him and a hashtag of his name. 
          If anyone has any information please let me know


@coucoutommo Thank you for that. I read an article about it after I posted that message. I'm hoping to publish some Frankie content this coming week.


@tobyh2000 sadly he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in srping of 2018, and he sadly passed away on august 20th, so sad to hear, rest in peace frankie


I am in need of help from any of you who are willing to help. 
          Are any of you Italian or Italian American? I'm researching Italian family dynamics for my newest story. My main character is Italian American, her grandparents came from Italy in the early 20th Century. 
          Thank you in advance!


I know this is a bit late but my Mom's entire family is Italian, so if you need any help I'm here!!