Ok, I feel like my brain is broken. I have so little inspiration to do absolutely anything. Like, it's really affecting me. Also, only a few people in my school ( and in general ) know that I'm lesbian, and these two boys keep teasing me about things. A few days ago, one of them asked me if I wanted a man to bow down to me, and I said no, so he said " oh. OH!! So you want a WOMAN to bow down to you?! " And I panicked and said no after I recovered from freezing up. I always go to my friend for comfort, also because I might, maybe have... A... Crush, on, her? Anyways, I'm very emotionally stressed and drained, my home situation is getting progressively worse, ( my brother becoming more and more aggressive/abusive, and constant yelling and fighting ) but I'm grateful that you all ( and my mom ) are excepting, l the rest of my family is extremely religious, and with Christmas coming up, I'm extremely nervous, because I'm afraid to come out to them, due to the fact that they might not except me and will look down on me for liking girls.
I am also extremely sorry for not posting for my 'dangerous waters' fanfic, I just don't have enough motivation right now, and I use Wattpad as a coping mechanism to distract myself from my depression and suicidal thoughts, ( yes suicidal ) and I thank the creators of Wattpad, because this app has really helped me. That's really it. I also probably won't be posting chapters for a while.
- Author~Chan ♥️