What is up every body hope everyone is doing good and I know I'm not gonna get comments on this and no one is going to look at it but I still hope everyone is doing okay
Fun fact the person who voices Sir Nighteye (Brandon McInnis) is engaged to The person who voices Sabastion from black butler along with many other anime characters including Scar from Fulmetal Alchemist in english (J Michael Tatum)
Yo anyone who ever sees this do you guys want to play cards agenst humanity with me on Sunday May 3rd at 10:00PM Eastern standard time I will happily host a game and post the link up at 9:40PM if you are going to be bothered or offended by any cards in the game please don't join please don't get mad if you loose or don't win a card and please use your username (example:mine is Anonymous Muffin) to play the game so we sort of know who eachother are please don't use real names and who ever wins the game (I'm setting the rules to first person to ten cards) everyone playing has to go follow that person on wattpad unless you already follow them on wattpad if you do not know how to play then look up online how to play I won't be able to explain the rules and if for some reason I'm late to posting the link wait a minimum of five minutes past time and if I'm supposedly not available after a maximum of fifteen minutes expect me not to post the link the game will start at 10:05 in case people are late I will post the link and the code for the game at 9:40PM