
Alrightly now that thats been handled! This is a formal thank you to all who have followed me and read all my "writing" on my account! 
          	I never got to really write what I wanted to on my acct being spooky stories and such but I  definitely think it was a good learning experience for young me! 
          	Thank you for joining my journey! I'm doing bigger and less cringey things now! I'm pursuing my passion of art and teaching, and not writing. I hope you all can respect my such terms and understand that we all must move on some time or another.
          	Thank you for all your love and support although I dont really deserve any of it. Being a stupid kid who just wanted to be cool and loved by others I should have tried by other means instead of writing a terrible fic hoping people would notice me. Stupid but it makes me laugh a lot.
          	I wish you all nothing but the best, you will all be great writers or readers (idk which side your participating on)! So much love and thanks to you all. You ment the world to eighth grade me and I couldn't have been more thankful then to feel like people appreciated me through that really rough time in my life. 
          	With much love, goodbye


Alrightly now that thats been handled! This is a formal thank you to all who have followed me and read all my "writing" on my account! 
          I never got to really write what I wanted to on my acct being spooky stories and such but I  definitely think it was a good learning experience for young me! 
          Thank you for joining my journey! I'm doing bigger and less cringey things now! I'm pursuing my passion of art and teaching, and not writing. I hope you all can respect my such terms and understand that we all must move on some time or another.
          Thank you for all your love and support although I dont really deserve any of it. Being a stupid kid who just wanted to be cool and loved by others I should have tried by other means instead of writing a terrible fic hoping people would notice me. Stupid but it makes me laugh a lot.
          I wish you all nothing but the best, you will all be great writers or readers (idk which side your participating on)! So much love and thanks to you all. You ment the world to eighth grade me and I couldn't have been more thankful then to feel like people appreciated me through that really rough time in my life. 
          With much love, goodbye


this message may be offensive
Okay so heres the FNAF fic questions youve all been waiting for!
          When did you write it?
          I wrote it when I was 13.
          Why did you write it?
          I wrote purple skies mainly because I wanted attention and popularity from the fnaf community back in 2018. I saw what was doing immensely well was stories about purple guy and shipping ones especially! So I took the ground running and began writing hopeful to one day become popular just like those people qwq. BAD DECISON 
          Will you ever continue writing the story?
          OH FUCK NO, LET THAT SHIT BURN. It deserves to be destroyed with all hellfire lets be honest. I was baiting stupid kids into giving me their attention thats all that was. I wanted to be "cool" cause no one else at my school thought I was "cool". I thought having internet clout would make me seem "cool". Of course things are diffrent now and I'm not a dumb kid anymore, I've learned from my mistakes and thats why I never finished the story etc. At the time of writing this I'm a senior in high school! So yeah....alot has changed, alot alot.
          Were there any other chapters planned/written?
          Yes! Actually there was 3 books planned to be made! One a prequel the other a sequel and the one I was writing! It was supposed to be less romance and devolve into psychological horror with y/n giving in and ultimately instead of murdering the kids like purple dude wanted she would have murdered him instead. It was like a bait and switch story. I was a ornery kid XD The prequil wouldve taken place when y/n was a kid with her friend Kade and the sequil wouldve been linked to sister location. Thats all that Ill say though. 
          As for anything written..... I wrote the beginning of the second chapter totaling in 4000 words of length! 


Its been what? A good few years from 2018 I think and that dumb fnaf story is still getting views? AHDBFUVKEH
          This is crazy its been I think 4 years since I wrote that story beginning? Okay okay, lemme say something since I just logged back in.
          Am I going to finish the story?
          Am I going to write anything anymore on Wattpad?
          Probably not. I say this cause Ao3 looks like a better site and the new Wattpad coin function I despise.
          Will I leave up the stories I have written so far?
          Yes, I wish to do so just so I can have the memories of my eighth grade child self thinking they were all so cool.
          Now For the more fun part! Since I will probably be leaving and disappearing I thought Id answer some questions about the really shitty fan fic I wrote that none of you got to know. Like behind the scenes kinda. My friend thought it would be funny to log back in but I thought Id like to leave at least one more message before I say goodbye!


new update I guess? um so uh Im not writing to much anymore im mainly just making art Ive currently hit a tough patch in my life but itll be okay! Im really into dangonrompa rn so thats another thing to take into hand. I have chapter 2 of purple sky sitting in archives for years now and I dont know if I should release it or at leaset whats left of it. Im unsure if I will ever finish the series as I have not as much passion to writing as I once did. but my insta is @Asmitilda I make art there and do some other stuff like cosplay and all. Im unsure of my situation atm but I hope to find it in my heart some day to continue the series since all the sudden people are now reading it which is odd to me.


I'm soooo tired of all this. Well I taught myself animating yay.  I havnt been here for a while eh? Well I was thinking of picking up purple dreams again. Hopefully I will have enough will power to finish the second chapter you all have been waiting for. I'm just scared that my writing skill might have changed since I write alot of cat stories at the moment. I guess what I'm saying is I'm scared the second chapter wont be as good as the first one. I have the planning sheet out for this plot and even a prequel and sequel book but I just idk. Well I'm animating if you guys wanna check out my improved art. My u tube channel and Instagram is @Asmitilda if u wanna check it out. Sorry I've disappointed you all.


well dang my doods its been long since Iv'e touched a computer again.
          Well anyways Ive been gone for a while cause school etc. and other bs but whatever. So where I last left off was during the middle of writing purple sky chapter two. Then we had a wicked storm and my computer shortage on power and just died. So yea, I got a new computer now. Now I can start writing again. Im bored so I think I'm gonna make a small comic strip about dsaf then restart on my project of purple sky. I promise to have it out by new years, it is going to be a pretty long chapter with everyone. I've even planned out a prequel to the events in this book as well as an odd sequel. But were gonna have to wait for that.


Hey guys, so I finished Chapter 1 of Purple sky. After re reading it 3 times and revising it I think it's pretty good. I may release chapters and then change them an hour later and such. But anyways I will hopefully finish the story and make 1 prequel and 1 sequel and then end of the summer by going back to school.
          Plz read and enjoy! (Read warnings as well)


Ok, so i revised all of , "The Girl Who Appeared From Hell" and the story makes much more sense now. No nonsensical story line but instead now they all connect. After having over 6 months to plan the series out I have a direction I want to go with this story and it's plot. So I had to go back and change the last few chapters and now they have different events. Plz go and re read so you can get the actual story in order. Thx and if you have any feedback feel free to email me!