hope  you  don't  mind  me  posting  this ,, just  wanted  to  let  you  know  that  i  just  started  a  new  book  that  I  thought  I'd  share .  it's  a  romcom  called  hit  send .  you  can  read  the  blurb  to  see  if  it's  your  thing ,  you  don't  have  to  read  if  it  isn't, not  forcing  at  all  :sweats:
          if  you  are  gonna  read  tho ,  I'd  really  appreciate  your  support  <  ♥  pls  let  me  know  what  you  think  ,  I'm  always  open  to  constructive  feedback  (ˊ˘ˋ*)


You watched fruits basket/Kimi ni todoke too?!


@michthemushvtalko can we chat about it on IG or something ?
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