
I just really quickly want to address where I currently am with writing Candy Hearts. Unlike Ace For Hire, Candy Hearts was not as thoroughly planned as AFH was therefore, writing for it does particularly take a lot more effort since a lot of the material has yet to be written. In addition to that, with Wattpad's massive information leak a while back (please make sure your info is secured there are websites that can check your email if your infos been compromised), I found out that my works have been stolen and reposted onto two different platforms without my permission. In by 'About' page I have a Copyright Disclaimer, I was able to remove my works from one of the platforms after getting in touch with the republisher, however the other platform is foreign and therefore doesn't uphold the same Copyright Disclaimers which really sucks honestly but I've still been working to get my works removed from them. To have my books easily copied and paste elsewhere really broke my heart because it makes the work poured into my writing almost feel cheated in a way. 
          	Which is why for Candy Hearts I will most likely continue writing for it on other platform where my works have better protection over them, and my infos less likely to get leaked out. Currently I have cleared all my other published/unpublished works from Wattpad (Excluding AFH) and have them backed up on my laptop. I'm truly sorry to all of those who have loved and binge read Candy Hearts, but as far as me moving platforms, it is technically discontinued.  
          	Since I did start Ace For Hire on Wattpad, it's only right that I finish the story on Wattpad where all my readers are and came from in the beginning. I hope you all look forward to future updates and Ace For Hire content. However not to make any promises, but if in any case I was to reconsider moving platforms, I will most likely try to continue writing Candy Hearts as result.
          	Thank you all so much for your love and support for my works. I purple you 


@tokki-maknae  It's been a long time since you updated ace for hire, pls Update soon


@tokki-maknae About Ace for Hire, its been 4 months, please update 


@tokki-maknae Is ace for hire gonna still be updated on wattpad??? i have been waiting for u to update for months now


Author please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please update another episode this books  is insane and I loved it please update!


A/n? Are you ok? No rush. You can take as much as time you need. But please let us know if you are ok or not. We will always support you. We are worried about you since its been a year, you last updated. We are egarly waiting for you response. Please stay safe. And we are really missing Ace for hire. I'm in love with the story. Hoping you to be hale and hearty.
          Love you


hiya love i just wanna leave a wee message hoping you’re okay, hope all is well and you’re okay. i just wanna apologise on behalf on people commenting asking for an update. you are NOT obligated to post an update for whatever reason. i know that it’s probably a lot of pressure on you seeing hundreds of messages daily just know it’s okay to steer away from writing if you lose interest or have a writers block it’s also okay if you’re not in the right headspace or something else is going on entirely, just know that we as a community of readers are here for you and if you ever need help with plots or you just wanna rant to a stranger my DM’s are always open and a safe place. hope you are okay x
          sincerely a happy reader