some of you are familiar with the situation that revolved around @jerkgod or “amara”. somehow i ended up getting myself into it, and talking to some of you. he deleted his account and everyone was devastated, and so was i. but he explained why to me very clearly. he acted on impulse. honestly, i’ve done the same in my past and have hurt people because i was beyond upset. it’s a human thing to act on impulse when you’re upset. we all do it. for the people, i’ve talked to with the theories of the admin being the same person, trying to get attention. it’s not true. i talked to both admins. on a discord call. and for the other things i’ve said about amara, they were all out of confusion and sadness. i also acted on impulse. he was going through a lot, and he didn’t deserve me yelling at him so openly for leaving. /i/ was wrong. amara loves all of you so dearly, and he didn’t leave any of you behind. when he left, he had all of you in his heart. when i first got back in contact with him, he was happy to hear from me, but i just- was too angry to see that. it would’ve been the same for any of you. amara cares. he made a mistake. he acted on impulse, but he never stopped having you all in his heart. he never forgot any of you, and he’d love to reunite with all of you if you can forgive him. like i did.