
to all those non Italian followers of mine who saw me posting an Italian fic on here, I just wanted to inform you that I'll be uploading only italian ff up here, and that all my fics written in English will be posted on AO3! my latest one (‘old habits die screaming’) came out over there on August 26th, so go check my account if you didn't know! my username is the same as this one: tolovelikelarry :) have a nice reading and thank you for all the feedbacks and support 


to all those non Italian followers of mine who saw me posting an Italian fic on here, I just wanted to inform you that I'll be uploading only italian ff up here, and that all my fics written in English will be posted on AO3! my latest one (‘old habits die screaming’) came out over there on August 26th, so go check my account if you didn't know! my username is the same as this one: tolovelikelarry :) have a nice reading and thank you for all the feedbacks and support 


ciao a tutti! alcuni avranno già notato o saputo che ho postato la mia prima ff qua ma io mi sono ricordata della possibilità di scrivere qui per avvisarvi solo ora perciò eccomi lmao. ringrazio tutti coloro che l'hanno letta ed apprezzata fino ad ora, o che hanno intenzione di leggerla la trovate sul mio profilo, vi aspetto :)