
this message may be offensive
i think im gonna delete this account, what i posted last week had been in my drafts for like 4 months and i kind of hate the whole shitty y/n thing like there are good fanfics and i hate to say it but most of the y/n one are shit soooo i'm probs gonna delete this account and maybe write some actually good stuff n a different one or something :)


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i think im gonna delete this account, what i posted last week had been in my drafts for like 4 months and i kind of hate the whole shitty y/n thing like there are good fanfics and i hate to say it but most of the y/n one are shit soooo i'm probs gonna delete this account and maybe write some actually good stuff n a different one or something :)


so i literally haven't looked at wattpad in like half a year cause i got locked out of my account and forgot the password but I finally remembered it so yeah. i'm gonna try and update a few things this week i'l probably have one up by tomorrow at the latest and another whenever i can get it out??


@tomherondale *squint* *jazz hands*


@someone_tell_me i just put something up bro :)


okayyyyyyyyyy so I haven't updated in aaaaaaaggggggggggeeeeeeeeessssssss I'm sooooooo sooooorrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy and i'm being really annoying i'll stop now but yeah. I'm not gonna update as much as i use to but who am i kidding i never used to post anyway but i'll probably be starting some new books and updating some of my old ones


OK, so I realise I haven't posted anything interesting in soooooooo long, but hear me out I'm gonna try and make excuses (seriously tho I'm really sorry, I'm terrible at keeping to a posting/writing/updating stories schedule). I'm currently planning and writing a really long part for my new story: Harrison Osterfield: Forbidden Love and I'm going to try and post that chapter tonight. I just quit a club that I've been doing pretty late on Thursday so I might be able to post a bit more I'll be posting an upload schedule which I'll try and stick to but... yeah. 


I'm really sorry guys!!! I haven't uploaded in over a week because my computer was broken and I was ill and I just didn't have any inspiration.
          I'm gonna try and post on Friday and Sunday and then at least once a week after that. Again, I'm really sorry and I honestly don't really have any motivation so if you have a request PLEASE!!! send it in, it would really help me a lot so... yeah. Thanks! :)))


@tomherondale excuses excuses.......:) i'm obviously so funny


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Hey, so I haven't been active at all this week, and I really have no excuse except that I was tired and busy with school shit. So... Yeah?! I'll try and post today and tomorrow but then I'm going on holiday. I will back by Sunday so definitely post then but maybe not on Thursday-Saturday.


@tomherondale I'm still upset you aren't coming to the cheerathon on friday