
this message may be offensive
Hi everyone, I’m kinda back I guess, I’m writing on just a class trip rn maybe if I’ll get it done I’ll be publishing a chapter this week.
          	I had been through a lot of stress and stuff lately and now I’m stating to get my shit together. Work had been stressful the past year plus I kinda failed my finals and shit.
          	But now school and work are both working well together. I’ll update when I’ll publish the next chapter 


this message may be offensive
Hi everyone, I’m kinda back I guess, I’m writing on just a class trip rn maybe if I’ll get it done I’ll be publishing a chapter this week.
          I had been through a lot of stress and stuff lately and now I’m stating to get my shit together. Work had been stressful the past year plus I kinda failed my finals and shit.
          But now school and work are both working well together. I’ll update when I’ll publish the next chapter 


Guys my 19th birthday is in a few hours ✨
          I will try to update Just a class trip once a week. After Easter holidays I will probably update twice a week <3 
          And after my final exams end in June I will hopefully make longer chapters (3000 words +). I really hope you like the newest chapter which came out today 
          Lots of love 