
Tonight, I got back into all of my accounts on this website. It's been a good 7 years since I've been on wattpad, and 4/5 since I've written anything. It was surreal and heartbreaking having to go through my whole library and delete everything I've ever written on this account, but it was needed. I'm taking writing more seriously now -- I just graduated from University, where I studied it for 3 years, and I'm writing my first proper novel. The truth is I feel I've outgrown Wattpad a fair bit, and have definitely grown as a writer too. I've been through the conversations tab and have deleted a lot of posts, but there's still so much that I'm not sure I'll have the time and the willpower to delete everything. I'd be interested in coming back to practice writing a little more with some of my original short stories, maybe in the future, if I can ever revamp this profile properly.
          	That said, I hope those of you that are still on this website are having a good, easy life. And for those that were still reading Soulmates and Help (I checked the stats before deleting -- unreal), I'm very sorry to disappoint you. But maybe in the future you'll be exposed to better writing.


Hi, I started a new book 'Anything' it's a BxB. 

          Please check it out, it's about a 16-year-old boy who's willing to go through extremes to get, 
          - his best friend to talk to him again
          - a date with the school’s player
          - closure 
          - revenge
          Let me know what you think.
          Would appreciate comments, advice, pointers, since I'm new at writing. 
          Thank you!


Tonight, I got back into all of my accounts on this website. It's been a good 7 years since I've been on wattpad, and 4/5 since I've written anything. It was surreal and heartbreaking having to go through my whole library and delete everything I've ever written on this account, but it was needed. I'm taking writing more seriously now -- I just graduated from University, where I studied it for 3 years, and I'm writing my first proper novel. The truth is I feel I've outgrown Wattpad a fair bit, and have definitely grown as a writer too. I've been through the conversations tab and have deleted a lot of posts, but there's still so much that I'm not sure I'll have the time and the willpower to delete everything. I'd be interested in coming back to practice writing a little more with some of my original short stories, maybe in the future, if I can ever revamp this profile properly.
          That said, I hope those of you that are still on this website are having a good, easy life. And for those that were still reading Soulmates and Help (I checked the stats before deleting -- unreal), I'm very sorry to disappoint you. But maybe in the future you'll be exposed to better writing.