@Laiba_Ahmed Haha yeah i am. But I'm happy with my life. My religion is just a part of me and yes it dictates part of my lifestyle but apart from that it's just me being me. Doesn't really matter what they intend to do with their lives. As a Muslim supposedly I should be frowning upon Larry and Zayn's actions despite his religion but to me it's their life decisions. I don't see myself doing the same things as them definitely, but it's their life. So long as I don't make the mistakes in my life why should I bother theirs?
You should never focus on other people's mistakes or frown upon their actions because we are all human and we have more than enough mistakes in ourselves that we should be spending time fixing rather than looking at other people and saying "hey you shouldnt be doing that."
Overall I try not to dwell on the fact that I, unlike other people, don't really particularly hate them/frown upon them for their actions. Yes im not supposed to be a supporter of homosexuality and maybe that's a mistake in my life. But I dont think I can change my outlook and that particular matter. Maybe one day when i have a stronger faith I'll see the wrong in it but right now my opinions are quite stagnant.
But yeah sorry this is much longer than you were probably expecting but i hope it gives you, I don't know, insight on how to live happily in this 'fandom' while being muslim? Yup ☺️