I don't share a lot of personal stuff lately unless it's related to my cats or work (lol) but I just want to share that for the past few months, I've been struggling as I'm taking care of 7 (yes, seven) sickly kittens. We've lost three over the course of 3 months since last December, and last night, we just lost another one due to a virus outbreak, with two others (Mai and Robbie) still dealing with cold and fever from a bacteria infection. If you enjoy my writing and would be interested in helping me out with the piling vet bills (as I'm also looking into getting the remaining kittens vaccinated soon), you can drop some love and donate the funds through my ko-fi page (https://ko-fi.com/tomoediawriting). Any amount of help will be much appreciated! You can also take a peek at my shops (which will be linked down below) if you'd like. There's nothing much on there yet, but I'm selling the worksheets that I shared through my Patreon writing class for beginner writers who are looking to practice how to start writing a story/novel. Thank you in advance and I'm so sorry for sharing such a dreary update :( Shops: https://www.patreon.com/c/tomoediawriting/shop https://ko-fi.com/tomoediawriting/shop (yes, this is also why I haven't been updating lately. It's hard to focus on writing when I have more than half my daily day dedicated to caring for these kitties. but I'll be back soon!)

@roses_hair_flip that's alright! every support, even if it's only kind words and keeping the kitties in your thoughts, already helps a lot <3

@tomoedia my heart breaks hearing that I wish I can help you but I am just broke teenager who reads in wattpad for free