
@justryingtogetpeace Im replying to this so late...I didn't even see this. My apologies. it's not really the lockdown or covid that has my feelings these ways. anyway, thank you for the compliment on my books- means a lot. and my writer block is now over lol in the process of almost finishing chapter 9 of drapetomania! .. w may I ask; why are you stressed? and what is bugger effect.. lol not tryna be dumb highkey lost.

@justryingtogetpeace well what a broad subjective question for such a time of my life but to keep it simple, life has been treating me with sorrowful strength but reconnecting bonds. plus trying to update drapetomania totally been lacking on the updates ughhhhhhhhh. sorry for the rant. sometimes it is needed. how are you? feel free to elaborate.