
New update for 'Beyond the Walls' up now.


Are gonna see more updated for beyond the walls


Hope your okay  is there any updates happening soon


I will, I’m just busy with school stuff at the moment but I have a few drafts for it and my other books 


Hi darlings!
          Thanks for reading my book/s so far. I'm really happy about that and hope you're enjoying it!
          I just want to let you know that I've got a new book that I'd like for you to read. It's called  'Beyond the walls'. 
          Please let me know what you think!
          Love y'all


Just wanted to ask y'all a quick question concerning Toni, in the book 'witch'.
          So I was looking around the internet trying to look for someone that may give you an idea of how she looks like, but I couldn't really find anyone fitting. 
          So I made a drawing of what I'd want her to look like and I'm wondering if I should post it up so you guys get the idea or if I should just leave it to the works of imagination. (I also drew 'vampire' Ruby if you wanna see that too)
          Please let me know if you like that idea or if I shouldn't do it.
          P.s. it's in pencil but I've already explained things like hair and eye color so that you can the gist of it. 
          Thank you all for reading so far and I hope you're enjoying as much as I am when I write it. I'll update asap.
          Love you


Yeah I think it's a good idea !! 