
Yay! Watched pay it forward, so sad. I cried myself to sleep thinking of tiny little Trevor... :d


I'm SO SORRY I WAS GONE FOR LIKE, THREE WEEKS. It felt like three weeks anyway. So, last night I watched Twilight, and my mom said she liked Jacob, and I was like, 'no, Edward is so hot and much better,'. And then she told me Jacob would change his look later and I was like, 'I WILL TOTALLY WATCH THE NEXT MOVIE TO SEE THIS!!' *the FANGIRL has gone to space*


herro buerros 
          I hope you like the new story
          but there will be tons of edits as I figure out what the heck to do with it
          I just let my hands do the talking there is actually no written story
          but that's how I roll buerros