
@sewn2gethawitductape as long as u return the favor


howdy buddy!! =)
          i was juz wonderin if if itz nt to much to ask for if you can read my story...its your fault not mine...(thats da name of da story =D ) itz my yeah im a bit nervous, n excited.... n scared dat it mite suck... feel free to tell me how it is... even if itz mean... juz warn mi so i can gt kleenx. Danks!!! it would really mean alot to me!!! 


Hey. :) 
          You know what would be so kick ass? If you would read my story called "Breaking Julien" and maybe vote or even become a fan? It's #40 on the "What's Hot" list right now. Help me fight my way up the  list by voting or commenting if you like it!
          It's about a girl, Julien, that's trying to adjust to life in a new place after her parents divorced. Just as she is starting to settle in, an "attack" by a Breaker, a person who can enter a persons mind and control thoughts and actions, shakes the town. Before she knows it, her life takes a difficult turn and it could be more than she can handle. 
          This is a REALLY breif synopsis. It's a lot more complex than that but I think you'll enjoy reading it. Again, you reading it would be super kick ass. 
          Ave. :)


          Hey I know this is really annoying. But I was wondering if you would read my story.
          Please we could be bestest friends. :DD
          Okay maybe not bestest friends but buddies fersure!
          So please check out my story :D
          It's called, My crazy Stalker and I! Did I mention he's a psychotic hottie! Or is he...?
          Anways if you read mine and vote and whatnot I'll gladly return the favor.
          lol So thank you. You awesomeness person! ;D


Welcome to Wattpad. :)
          HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF ALIENS CAME TO EARTH? Well, wonder no longer fellow Wattpader, because that day has come... 
          Welcome to the Universe. 
          A Watty Awards comedy... 
          ^ My story follows a troubled teen named Fly, who isn't anything close to normal, but wants nothing more then to fit in... Those days are over when she meets a hot male named Zharov, and her life changes forever, as the future unfolds... Apparently all is not what it seems in this small town, where everybody knows each other's dirty little secrets, but what is he hiding? ;-) 
          It's a bird, it's a plane, no... It's a SPACESHIP... What the? o.o 
          Like vampire stories? Well, sink your teeth into this! 
          'The Not So Secret Life of Helena Callahan' 
          ^ My story follows a teenage runaway, who sells her body to make a living. And her not so average life is about to get even more bizarre when she meets a guy who gives her a little more then she bargained for. ;-) 
          -- Emma.


Hi i was wondering if you would come read some of my books. I know these are annoying but we got to get our stuff out there some how! I right about many different stuff. Werewolf’s, normal teens, Mythology, Vampires, and Science fiction. All you gots to do is click on the pic and it will take you there. Thank you.