
this message may be offensive
          	Sorry I've been kind of MIA for ages, and not replying to comments/messages like I used to. No, I'm not dead (yay?). You don't have to read this, but it's here for anyone who is wondering what the hell happened
          	I thought I'd better explain... 
          	Once I finished writing TBOTC, all the attention it was getting (and still gets omg) was kinda overwhelming. 
          	And I was going through a pretty bad point in my life, which sucked, but all the nice comments and all the likes and everything just made me so freaking happy - like more happy than I've ever been.
          	But that, of course, worked both ways. At any hint of criticism kind of crushed me. Badly. 
          	And yes I know I have weak self-esteem - I'm working on it. 
          	But anyway. I kind of focused on all the bad stuff, and along with exam stress + family shit I was just really unhappy. 
          	Finally I just decided to leave all this alone, and finally I kind of forgot about it.
          	I still have been writing and being a massive nerd, but just kind of privately. 
          	But I'm back now, sort of. I don't know if I'll be writing much, because I kind of have a fear of all that happening again. 
          	But I think I might try it. 
          	Maybe just some oneshots or something. I don't know. 
          	Writing is one of the things that truly makes me happy, but I've always done it just for me. 
          	I'm not really sure where I'm going with all this, but I guess I wanna say sorry, and thanks for all the support, and maybe you'll see me around here more often from now on. 
          	Again, thank you all so freaking much
          	- M
          	P. S 
          	I feel so uncomfortable sharing this but I'm just gonna do it. I really hate admitting weakness (who doesn't?) but hey what's the worst that could happen I guess 


@toomanyfandommss yeah but your fears are stupid and your stories are amazing. I do hope you'll write again but only do it if you feel comfortable, though I seriously love the boy on the cliff, ignore the haters and the criticism please author-nim. Glad you're not dead xD


Your book broke me bad . . really bad ...before reading the last chapter I heard my uncle was admitted in ICU but I stayed strong but after reading the last chap l broke down bad really bad .....I let everything I had kept inside out ... ugh it was ugly
          But I so darn love this book...I live angst and your book was sooooooo satisfying..hope you write more you


Hello.  I was wondering when will you write a fanfic again?  I read TBOTC a year ago and it's still haunting my mind (in a good way though).  Angst is not my thing but really,  that story is one of the best.  Your writing style is what I really like (and ofc the story itself).  Please do make a new exo ff.  


this message may be offensive
          Sorry I've been kind of MIA for ages, and not replying to comments/messages like I used to. No, I'm not dead (yay?). You don't have to read this, but it's here for anyone who is wondering what the hell happened
          I thought I'd better explain... 
          Once I finished writing TBOTC, all the attention it was getting (and still gets omg) was kinda overwhelming. 
          And I was going through a pretty bad point in my life, which sucked, but all the nice comments and all the likes and everything just made me so freaking happy - like more happy than I've ever been.
          But that, of course, worked both ways. At any hint of criticism kind of crushed me. Badly. 
          And yes I know I have weak self-esteem - I'm working on it. 
          But anyway. I kind of focused on all the bad stuff, and along with exam stress + family shit I was just really unhappy. 
          Finally I just decided to leave all this alone, and finally I kind of forgot about it.
          I still have been writing and being a massive nerd, but just kind of privately. 
          But I'm back now, sort of. I don't know if I'll be writing much, because I kind of have a fear of all that happening again. 
          But I think I might try it. 
          Maybe just some oneshots or something. I don't know. 
          Writing is one of the things that truly makes me happy, but I've always done it just for me. 
          I'm not really sure where I'm going with all this, but I guess I wanna say sorry, and thanks for all the support, and maybe you'll see me around here more often from now on. 
          Again, thank you all so freaking much
          - M
          P. S 
          I feel so uncomfortable sharing this but I'm just gonna do it. I really hate admitting weakness (who doesn't?) but hey what's the worst that could happen I guess 


@toomanyfandommss yeah but your fears are stupid and your stories are amazing. I do hope you'll write again but only do it if you feel comfortable, though I seriously love the boy on the cliff, ignore the haters and the criticism please author-nim. Glad you're not dead xD


You are such an amazing writer! I just finished reading the boy on the cliff and it filled me with so many emotions! I feel sorry for Baekhyun though, as he saw Chanyeol lying beneath him on the rocks... I cried... 
          ㅜ ㅡ ㅜ  you have incredible imagination as well!  thx for making this story! Lets all appreciate author-nim and love EXO to bits! ❤️


I've just finished reading 'The Boy on the Cliff' and it is literally one of my fanfictions I've read out of all I've ever read (I've read weLL over 200) so I just wanna thank you for putting me on such an emotional roller coaster (altho I'm sobbing at one in the morning thx for that xx) It's a v beautiful story, and I kinda like how you didn't 100% say that it was a suicide or not since Chanyeol could've simply been careless as he always is and since he saw death as a simple thing, accepted his trip with open arms. Ok now I'm rly sad again bYe. 


Hiiii I just wanted to say that I absolutely loved 'The boy on the cliff' ((even though I sobbed my eyes out)) it's one of my favorite fanfictions now and I know I'll end up re-reading it in the future (: I hope you have a good day,bye now.


Aw omg thank you, I'm really glad you liked it (even though to be honest I think it's a mess and I keep debating whether to delete it.. Idk I can never read anything I write without cringing about how bad it is ew) ...And I've just had the worst day today though and you've made me feel so much better aww you're so kind for bothering to comment and vote and for leaving a message and everything and just aww you don't realise how much I appreciate that x