
it’s soooo hard  i can’t write anything i got so much going on i’m sorry. don’t worry tho i will write a chapter today ✊


Sorry no chapter this week I have been fighting off a huge headache, and have been generally dead tired all week. And i still have late hw to catch up on so not this week. :{  catch you next time. 
          (also if you wanna join a discord server with a bunch of other writers the link is in my bio :))


i am bot writing as much as i want to. i only can write in the mornings because i’m in sports and band and i have hw so it really sucks. but it is going to rain today so i’m going to try and get a chapter out later today. wish me luck lol


SO SORRY EVERYONE!! ive been dead for quite some time and its really time i get back into it. I was going to publish a new chapter on monday but i got pissed cuz wattpad wasn't saving the draft but idk what happened but wattpad decided to give me my drafts back :) expect new chapters soon!!


@toon_lonk  take ya time lad