Hey everybody! I have just finished Inside the Secret and I need your opinion on what book should come next. I'm working on two trilogies right now. Do you think I should write the last book in the Aboard the Riskway Trilogy, or the last one in the Secret Keeper Trilogy? Let me know! The book to get the most votes is the one I'll write next.
Hi Followers! First of all thank you for following me. Second of all I need your help deciding the next book I should write. Should it be the third Legendaries book, or an Aboard the Riskway sequel or an entirely new book! Please let me know before New Year's!
Before I can start a new story, I need your opinion! Should I do a Legendary sequel, an Aboard the Riskway sequel, or a new book. Let me know what you think! The one with the most votes will be written