
Folks, the high-tiers, they're no good everyone is saying it. All these students, very handsome students come up to me and say, Comrade Arlo there is a specter haunting Wellston, and you know what, they're right. These high-tiers are very nasty people very very rude and very unfair to the low-tiers. They are stealing our human values and no one is doing anything about it. The Queen comes up to me everyday and says, Comrade Arlo will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say, Look the instruments of the hierarchy will be used to bring about its destruction believe me you gotta trust me on this one. The abilities, Rei never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I'm seizing them. God-tiers?? They're done for folks. Everyone told me they said, Comrade Arlo you won't be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the press laughed the Royals laughed, guess whose laughing now?