omg seriously cannot believe it’s been months since i’ve been even remotely active on this app.
however, i been having a deep thirst for writing again as i find myself picking up an old habit of reading books religiously! some recently being wattpad stories which have inspired me a lot toward to the future of my own book.
i absolutely love the plot of my book, but sometimes i question my characters and how i’m going to end it. it was an idea that popped into my head and i immediately put it onto paper without thinking what would happen to the book in the long run.
i know i haven’t updated the book in FOREVER but i need you to trust me.
i will be putting unpublishing my book for an indefinite amount of time while i
1. fix the plot a bit to make it more “spicy” if you know what i mean
2. im going to leave most of the chapters the same, maybe change a bit here and there i’m not sure, but i’ve noticed a change in my writing style since i’ve started the book and i want to display that style throughout the chapters i’ve already written. (and fix some grammatical errors)
3.i’m going to change my main characters name from my own because i feels weird to me. i have no idea why i did it in the first place.
please give me your thoughts and ideas, it would be greatly appreciated