
          How are you, well I'm writting to ask you to ceheck out my two stories. One I am finished with it's called. How Can I Ever Get Passed This? 
          It's about a high school girl, who has a trajic thing happen to her and she has a hard tim getting over it and doesn't believe she will ever get over it, but she finds romance and decides that things in the past should be left in the past.. By the way this story is finished so you dont have to wait for uploads:) 
          My second story Is The Color Of Love and its about two people that come from the same place but are totally different and they fall in love which is not aprroved by most, So they face struggles and go through obstacles to keep their love alive. 
          Okay so I hope you do get a chance to read my story and please leave feedback constructive criticism is always good. 
          ---------------------------------------------------------------------Happy Readings!!!!


Hi! I wanted to­ ask if you could please take ­a look at my story 
          The Blood Journal 
          Emmerel seems t­o be having terrible luck in h­er life, her boyfriend died an­d her mother is like she might­ as well be dead. Her past is ­unknown and connects her and h­er beautiful music to a great ­battle that has been kept secr­et for centuries. 
          Kale is an ex­-protector, he was once great ­and looked up to by rookies un­til he disappeared off the map­, his whereabouts known only b­y his father and a few others ­he could trust with his life. ­He knows more about Emmerel's ­history than she does herself,­ but is that enough for him? O­r does he want to know more? 
          Aidan, a syc­hopathic killer on the loose w­ho has a literal taste for blo­od. A woman like a cat who lik­es to play with her mouse befo­re she consumes it. 
          It would be so ­great of you if you could revi­ew my story and any sort of fe­edback is truly appreciated. 
          If you'd like m­e to returne the favour I'd be­ glad to, all you have to do is ask! =] 
          Thankyou for an­ytime you give up for me and my story! 
          Much Love, 


Hey, I know these are super annoying.. and I'm not gonna beg, but 
          I would really appreciate it if you could at two of my stories & give me some feedback!
          They're called:
          'An Albino on a reality show.. what could go wrong?'
          & 'Wayfarer'
          An albino on a reality show is about a bullied high school albino girl, who
          gets sent to be on a MTV reality show & Wayfarer is my latest one, about
          a twenty-two year old, living in the year 3010, that is half time traveler, and half
          assassin. I really hope you consider taking a look at them!


Heyyy (:
          i was wondering if you could spare some moments to check my story....
          its called Give My Virginity Back...on the 10th Chapter now :)
          (i am trying to get 1,000 votes...and i need 56 more)
          Please check it out...comment (criticize, feedback ...anything), vote and fan if you love it (:
          ps. if you want me to read anything feel free to tell me..i love requests i try and get through everyones...