
|| cb + specify


*     oh you already know over on @soughtbIood !!!


do you think you’re ever going to make up with ryn?


            * Kamryn really needed to hurry up and break the news to her, because there was only so much stalling Isobel could do * Sometimes when people are too alike, they tend to clash * she pointed out with a hint of a shrug. she didn't want to have to play the callous witch, but apparently, she was going to have to * We don't exactly see eye to eye on things anymore and while we may have enjoyed each other's company at one stage, it's a little bit different these days. And believe me, when you're constantly arguing and bickering, it's very hard to be in close proximity.


you two are so much more alike than you realize, it is so stupid.    [  the words are said in a huff as her gaze shifted away from the woman to stare at the wall across the room from them.  ]    i think everyone does at sixteen, but come on… wouldn’t you rather deal with the hardships together than alone?    [  she knew she should have given up by now, but she couldn’t. she couldn’t lose hope on kamryn’s happiness, and definitely not on isobel’s.  ]    did you at least enjoy each other’s company while you had it?


            I have already experienced a lifetime of pain, Lana. A person can only handle so much before they break. Falling for your brother would have been the final crack in everything. And he is better off without someone who has so much baggage. When you're a little older, with a little more knowledge and wisdom of the world, you'll understand what I mean. I was like you once. I thought everything could just work out the way I wanted it to. But it didn't. Not even in the slightest. And not for a lack of trying either.