
/  uhm.  anyways.  drop  <3


          	  Gimme a bit, and I will drop EVERYWHERE


no  one  gets  to  choose  what  becomes  breaking  news,   juliette.   that's  how  it  works.


@stabreports-   |
            but  did  it  have  to  be  my  daughter?  (  it’s  almost  a  cry-  suddenly,  juliette  is  eighteen  again,  rereading  tabloids  calling  her  a  murderer.  buffy  doesn’t  deserve  to  go  through  all  this-  she’d  take  all  of  her  daughters  pain   in  an  instant  if  she  could.  )  you  have  to  help  me.  please.  
            /  sorry,,  this  was  probably  abt  1996,,  but  i  had  to,,


you  don't  have  to  panic,   julie.   you  might  be  the  (only)  person  qualified  enough  to  be  a  mother.


@stabreports-   |
            what  if  i’m  not?  (  nesting  has  kicked  in.  she’s  unfolded  and  refolded  all  of  juno’s  onsies  over  and  over  again,  inspecting  them  for  any  risks.  )  i  mean,  things  can  happen  in  the  stomach  that  you  don’t  even  know  about!  (  …  )  what  if  i  give  my  baby,  like,  botulism? 


he  chose  her  over  me ,,  are  you  kidding ?
          *    3 ,,   gale  being  "someone  gets  hurt"  coded  will  forever  haunt  me !! 


@stabreports-   |
            c’mon  gale.  she’s  a  full  on  monet!  (  she  feels  a  connection  of  girlhood  with  gale  she  never  had  before,  scoffing  dramatically  at  the  mere  thought  that  her  and  jennifer  could  be  comparable.  )  from  far  away  it’s  pretty,  but  up  close  it’s  a  mess.  and  you’re  pretty  both  ways.  
            /  sorry,,  had  to  stick  the  cher  horowitz  variant  in,,


randy  ask  you  to  be  his  valentine  yet ?   he's  been  talking  about  it  all  week  —   don't  tell  him  i  said  that.


@fearedworst-   |
            no!  i  figured  he  thought  we  were  getting  to  old  for  that!  (  she  hides  her  lovestruck  grin  with  her  hand,  pretending  to  wipe  her  nose.  )  i  asked  when  i  would  as  a  joke…  i  didn’t  think  he  actually  would!


from  here  on  out,    we're  gonna  be  handcuffed  together.   strapped  at  the  wrist.   the  victim  profile  is  too  clear  and  i  do  NOT  like  it !!


@filmsstab-   |
            ‘m  not  complaining.  (  she  shrugs,  clutching  onto  his  hand  tightly.  )  if  i  could  keep,  like,  you  ‘n  bek  ‘n  sid  by  me  at  all  times…  i  wouldn’t  be  so  scared,  y’know?  then  they’d  have  to  go  through  all  of  us.  


okay,   fine.   jamie  lee  curtis  is  out.   how  about...  buffy,   or maybe  darla ?    i'm  leaning  towards  buffy.   


@filmsstab-   |
            we  were  never  gonna  name  her  jamie  lee,  babe.  (  she  shoots  randy  a  dirty  look,  rolling  her  eyes.  )  buffy.  buffy  meeks-macher.  buffy  meeks.  (  she  repeats  it,  furrowing  her  eyebrows.  )  wow.  i  don’t  not  like  that.  and  i  like  the  show,  too.