
/  uhm.  anyways.  drop  <3


          	  Gimme a bit, and I will drop EVERYWHERE


no  one  gets  to  choose  what  becomes  breaking  news,   juliette.   that's  how  it  works.


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MISS  THE  SMOKE,   @tornworlds :
            {  fuck.   gale  knows  what  she's  doing  is  wrong,   knows  that  deflecting  the  attention  from  ellie-marie  is  what  got  julie  in  such  a  precarious  position  to  begin  with.    to  her  credit,   she's  not  said  a  damn  thing  about  her  niece.   the  tabloids,  however...  }     i  can't  control  what  other  people  write.    {  she  starts,   voice  a  calm,  sharp  contrast  to  julie's  vulnerability.  }    (but).   i  can  control  how  bad  they'll  look  after.    for  buffy's  sake,   a  few  cushioned  lies  never  hurt  anyone.
            *   don't  apologize ,,   im  throwing  up !! 


@stabreports-   |
            but  did  it  have  to  be  my  daughter?  (  it’s  almost  a  cry-  suddenly,  juliette  is  eighteen  again,  rereading  tabloids  calling  her  a  murderer.  buffy  doesn’t  deserve  to  go  through  all  this-  she’d  take  all  of  her  daughters  pain   in  an  instant  if  she  could.  )  you  have  to  help  me.  please.  
            /  sorry,,  this  was  probably  abt  1996,,  but  i  had  to,,


you  don't  have  to  panic,   julie.   you  might  be  the  (only)  person  qualified  enough  to  be  a  mother.


MISS  THE  SMOKE,   @tornworlds :
            botulism.   right.    {  dear  god,   let  her  get  even  a little  better  at  this.   gale  has  never  been  an  expert  on  comfort,   but  she  knows  the  blinking  stare  she's  currently  giving  the  younger  is  probably  doing  her  no  favors.  }   okay,   well,   that's  preventable  enough.    if  you  don't  eat  any  poorly  preserved  food  and  make  sure  it's  actually  cooked  all  the  way  through,    you  and  the  baby  should  be  fine.   


@stabreports-   |
            what  if  i’m  not?  (  nesting  has  kicked  in.  she’s  unfolded  and  refolded  all  of  juno’s  onsies  over  and  over  again,  inspecting  them  for  any  risks.  )  i  mean,  things  can  happen  in  the  stomach  that  you  don’t  even  know  about!  (  …  )  what  if  i  give  my  baby,  like,  botulism? 


he  chose  her  over  me ,,  are  you  kidding ?
          *    3 ,,   gale  being  "someone  gets  hurt"  coded  will  forever  haunt  me !! 


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,  @tornworlds :
            and  yet  he's  here.   with  her.   not  me.     {  the  pain  beneath  the  jealousy  is  palpable  as  she  hangs  back  with  juliette,   icy  blues  becoming  tiny  daggers  aimed  right  at  the  oh-so-adorable  (coupling)  before  them.   on  a  logical  level,   she  knows  it's  her  fault.   that's  what  hurts  the  most.  }    i  tried  asking  him  to  go  everywhere  with  me,   but  (no).   it  was  woodsboro  until  it  wasn't.   just  waited  around  until  he  found  a  new  version  of  me.
            *    rip  julie  macher ,,  you  would  love  the  clueless  wardrobe ,, 


@stabreports-   |
            c’mon  gale.  she’s  a  full  on  monet!  (  she  feels  a  connection  of  girlhood  with  gale  she  never  had  before,  scoffing  dramatically  at  the  mere  thought  that  her  and  jennifer  could  be  comparable.  )  from  far  away  it’s  pretty,  but  up  close  it’s  a  mess.  and  you’re  pretty  both  ways.  
            /  sorry,,  had  to  stick  the  cher  horowitz  variant  in,,


this message may be offensive
no  way,   they  don't  get  to  say  that  shit  about  you.


SHE  HAD  A  MARVELOUS  TIME,  @tornworlds :
            maybe  not  someone  with  the  power  to  stop  it  immediately,   no.   but  if  i  hear  one  more   'killer  twin  instinct'   remark,   (i'll)  be  next  week's  headline.    {  rebekah's  anger  is  palpable  as  she  picks  up  the  magazine  from  the  counter,   thumbing  at  it  absently.   she  doesn't  want  to  look  through  this  thing;  she  knows  what  she  would  see.  }    seriously,   i  don't  know  where  these  jerks  find  the  nerve.   do  they  get  off  on  public  desecration ?  


@fearedworst-   |
            well,  clearly  they  do.  (  another  article.  she  drops  the  magazine  onto  the  counter,  sighing  out.  )  who’s  gonna  stop  them?  *gale  weathers*?  as  if.  


i  don't  know  anymore.   i  really  don't.
          *   when  billy  was  arrested !!  


SHE  HAD  A  MARVELOUS  TIME,  @tornworlds :
            i  want  to.    {  the  offer  is  accepted  before  her  sister  can  get  the  entire  sentence  out,   a  shaking  breath  drawn  in  as  she  rests  her  head  on  julie's  shoulder.  }    i  want  to.    ( .. )    i  don't  wanna  be  alone  tonight,   and  by  how  it's  looking  here,   i  know  i  would  be.  


@fearedworst-   |
            i  know.  (  she  wraps  an  arm  around  bek’s  shoulder,  bringing  her  close.  )  i’m  here,  okay?  you’re  not  alone…  you  can  stay  with  me  tonight,  if  you  want  to.  


randy  ask  you  to  be  his  valentine  yet ?   he's  been  talking  about  it  all  week  —   don't  tell  him  i  said  that.


SHE  HAD  A  MARVELOUS  TIME,  @tornworlds :
            psh,   (no) !    {  whoops.   rebekah  doesn't  bother  disguising  her  amused  grin  with  an  act  now,   kicking  her  legs  up  in  the  air  behind  her.  }   that  dingus  would  celebrate  president's  day  if  he  thought  you  liked  it.   he  hasn't  told  me  what  exactly  he's  doing  yet,   but  he's  been  bouncing  ideas  around  since  you  mentioned  it.   my  favorite  was  the  hot  air  balloon  that  he  talked  about  renting,   right  up  until  he  remembered  the  powerlines.


@fearedworst-   |
            no!  i  figured  he  thought  we  were  getting  to  old  for  that!  (  she  hides  her  lovestruck  grin  with  her  hand,  pretending  to  wipe  her  nose.  )  i  asked  when  i  would  as  a  joke…  i  didn’t  think  he  actually  would!


from  here  on  out,    we're  gonna  be  handcuffed  together.   strapped  at  the  wrist.   the  victim  profile  is  too  clear  and  i  do  NOT  like  it !!


@filmsstab-   |
            ‘m  not  complaining.  (  she  shrugs,  clutching  onto  his  hand  tightly.  )  if  i  could  keep,  like,  you  ‘n  bek  ‘n  sid  by  me  at  all  times…  i  wouldn’t  be  so  scared,  y’know?  then  they’d  have  to  go  through  all  of  us.  


okay,   fine.   jamie  lee  curtis  is  out.   how  about...  buffy,   or maybe  darla ?    i'm  leaning  towards  buffy.   


@filmsstab-   |
            we  were  never  gonna  name  her  jamie  lee,  babe.  (  she  shoots  randy  a  dirty  look,  rolling  her  eyes.  )  buffy.  buffy  meeks-macher.  buffy  meeks.  (  she  repeats  it,  furrowing  her  eyebrows.  )  wow.  i  don’t  not  like  that.  and  i  like  the  show,  too.


i..  i  don't  talk  about  it  a  lot.    ( .. )    or  ever.


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,  @tornworlds :
            {  she  had  to  do  it.   intellectually  ellie  is  aware  of  it,   how  quinn  wasn't  going  to  stop  one  way  or  the  other,   how  she  didn't  have  a  choice  in  the  matter.   she  couldn't  pick  an  option  that  didn't  end  with  her  being  soaked  in  blood,   but  that  doesn't  change  anything  at  the  end  of  the  day.  }   thanks.   {  she  murmurs,   lips  tugging  in  a  reflexive  smile.  }    it  wasn't  like  amber,   if  that's  anything.    ( .. )    i  wish  it  went  a  different  way.   but  if  i  went  back,   i'd  probably  do  it  again.


@ghostends-   |
            i  get  it.  (  there  are  some  things  you  just  can’t  speak  about.  being  forced  to  kill  someone  is  one  of  those  things.  )  i’m  not  gonna  make  you.  but…  i’ll  be  here.  i  get  it,  you  know? 