no one gets to choose what becomes breaking news, juliette. that's how it works.

this message may be
MISS THE SMOKE, @tornworlds : { fuck. gale knows what she's doing is wrong, knows that deflecting the attention from ellie-marie is what got julie in such a precarious position to begin with. to her credit, she's not said a damn thing about her niece. the tabloids, however... } i can't control what other people write. { she starts, voice a calm, sharp contrast to julie's vulnerability. } (but). i can control how bad they'll look after. for buffy's sake, a few cushioned lies never hurt anyone. * don't apologize ,, im throwing up !!

@stabreports- | but did it have to be my daughter? ( it’s almost a cry- suddenly, juliette is eighteen again, rereading tabloids calling her a murderer. buffy doesn’t deserve to go through all this- she’d take all of her daughters pain in an instant if she could. ) you have to help me. please. / sorry,, this was probably abt 1996,, but i had to,,