
update; where have i been?
          	it’s been a couple months since i was last on, and this is why there has been no update on anything i’ve written. my reason for this is because i have been going through a dark time, still am, and it’s making me care about things less. if i wrote something now it’d turn out even crappier than my books are now. 


update; where have i been?
          it’s been a couple months since i was last on, and this is why there has been no update on anything i’ve written. my reason for this is because i have been going through a dark time, still am, and it’s making me care about things less. if i wrote something now it’d turn out even crappier than my books are now. 


i know i haven’t updated in almost a month, and i’d like to update you all on it. 
          recently i’ve been dealing with a few things that have affected me in a negative way, so i’ve been trying to clear my head by taking a break. 
          i will be updating ‘glitch’ shortly, though i’m not exactly sure if there will be many more updates as i’m thinking of bringing the story to a close. the book itself, after reading back on it, has a rushed feeling to it that i was trying to avoid, so now i’m thinking of how to proceed. 


I’d just like to say thankyou for 1k views on ‘glitch’. it means a lot to know that people are actually seeing and possibly liking what i like to write. 
          I’ve posted an authors note for ‘glitch’ to say thankyou, but to also update you on where the story of ‘glitch’ is heading, and what you guy’s want to see after it:) 


hi, a quick update on ‘Glitch’. 
          i’m not much of a writer, and never have been. i feel like the first couple of chapters to ‘Glitch’ were rushed and that everything developed too quickly, and in a way i didn’t want them to. because of this, i’ve decided to create two alternate endings to the book; one sad one, and one happy one. i have just published the sad one, and will be developing and publishing the happy one shortly. depending on how i feel about the idea in the next few weeks, i may create a sequel in the form of a reincarnation au. i’m not sure how many people would like that, so i’m still not sure. any suggestions are welcome:)


hey there! 
          a little update; i’ve changed my account name from ‘JaegerEclipse’ to ‘torturedbeauty’. i feel like it was more fitting as most of the stories i post have at least some link to sadness and despair, and most of them do, and will, have the demise of a character. 
          i have also added a new part to my ‘glitch’ ereri fanfic! it is a bit sad (i hope) so i hope you’s like it!


hey! sorry for the slow updates on my ereri ‘glitch’ fic. i am currently working on a newtmas fic and am trying to get a lot of the chapters done before i start to publish them. a new part of ‘glitch’ should be out either tomorrow or wednesday— i’m sorry for the wait!
          -bye for now!
          (newtmas is a ship between newt and thomas from The Maze Runner)