Hello you can call me Wa and I'm a teenager YAAY (note the heavy use of sarcasm)
Anyway,before I ramble on my boring life I just want to say that I LOVE YOU whoever you are you are beautiful/handsome in your own special way and you are amazing and I'm honored that you took the time to open my profile. Be positive and enjoy your life to the max because you only live once so don't waste your life crying on anything whether it is big or small because it's all gonna be alright and you'll move on because nothing is stronger than you and you and me both know that you can get over this because you are a fighter and being a fighter doesn't mean that you fight physical challenges, you can also fight mental challenges plus I've always believed that mental challenges are a lot more difficult that physical ones, so suit up fighter and always fight fight NOTHING is stronger than you. Believe in yourself because if you don't believe in yourself no one will, you are your biggest supporter make sure to put yourself first but also help others but not on the expense of your wellbeing.
#ProjectManDown (this is not to hate on men but to dissolve the stereotypes on them and saying that they don't have to play a sport or be buff or act like a 'man' but they can be nerds or artists and express their emotions freely and be able to do anything they freaking want)
Some things about me:
~ A proud Arab (aka Middle Eastern)
~A very proud Muslin
~ A feminist
~ A girl who would rather stay at home with a cup of tea and a book than go out
~A person who absolutely despises both coffee and chocolate
~ A lazy girl who speaks English,Arabic and French fluently and is learning Italian.
~ A person who only does 3 things in her free time; read, watch Netflix and listen to music
~My life basically consists of powder pink,black and turquoise, pasta, violins and Selena Gomez
That's about it
Anyway, feel free to massage me at any time.
Have a great day 😉
- Looking for Prince Charming 😉
- InscritDecember 26, 2015
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