
well if it isn't little old me here to look back on the good old times... i wish i could bring 2016 back or something


Hi. I'll really appreciate it if you read my book- IF YOU LOVE HIM ,THEN LEAVE HIM. Thanks❤


@Dictamy thanks a lot for your kind words. You have no idea how encouraging it is to me. I really appreciate it and I hope you won't get tired of reading it.


@Dictamy tbh, i only meant to leave a 'read' cuz I've tons of school stuff. BUT. It's really well written! And I'd like to read more so I added it to my library... and then proceeded to go on an 'adding-books-to-my-library' spree


Hi!!  Thanks for following me!  I read your profile and I love the books you had there! I’ve read them all except Gone with the Wind, unfortunately. I have watched the movie though, which is kinda sucky since books should be read first but in my defense I first watched the movie when I was like 10 
          Anyways, I like mythology and astronomy too! They seem super interesting even though I know nothing about either.☺️ I’m also planning on writing a book (maybe) and life gets in the way. I’m pretty awkward as well. Anyways, enough of my rambling. Hello and thanks. 


@totally_wingining_it0 HI!!! I hope you did well on your test!!! It’s no problem that you didn’t reply! :) I found the pile of books my mom had but they got lost in storage again!! :( It sucks but I’m hoping to get an excuse to find it again! I hope you’re doing well! :) 


Heeyyyy @5Chey5 
            *Smiles sheepishly*
            I hope you you didn't think I'd ignored your message, in all honesty, i hadn't seen it until now. Sorry. Idk how i missed the notif. I'd logged off wattpad for a month, after we last talked, in may, gosh that's so long ago. I had this very, very seriously serious exam coming in July. It's like I'd have to stop living just to prepare for it. Buuut now I'm here, we just had Eid-al-Adha day before yesterday. Sooo, I'm home, chillin out. Supposedly, anyway. I apologise if you felt even a teeeny, weeeeEEny bit bad (not that i suppose you would, of course you have many other things to worry about). 
            About your parents making you watch old movies as a kid, well mine absolutely didn't. I just used to eye-gorge myself on cartoons all day long. That, and I started reading as soon as I learned it. Of course all my recreational reading was Urdu at first, but then around fourth or fifth grade i got my hands on some Enid blyton books at a book fair, and man was i ADDICTED. I literally can't stop reading, it's like my life or sth. Like it leads all other things on my love of my life list by a big margin.


@totally_winging_it0 That’s about all I know about the Iran Nuclear Deal as well! I liked the movie. My parents kinda forced it upon me though! XD When I was little they’d hog the television in the living room and all they’d watch was these old movies. I would HATE that! But now I’ve grown to appreciate it! XD :)