
What if everyone who entered this fell into a black vortex and there's no one left to carry on the legacy?!?!  How am I the only one left to check in?!?!  Hmmm. That might be a story!!!


I'm not worried, I swear.  Not even sweating the win or lose.  I'm just enamored by a quiet profile. It's like a secret library.  It gets me thinking in the best way. Like the quiet dark house in the corner where the people never come out.  Sorry. 


@tamoja Don't worry, we are still carefully reading and judging the entries. It takes some time - especially when you have 2 judges. We will be announcing soon.


It's so silent here.  Maybe the whole contest was a terrific ploy to get us all writing?  I guess I'm fine with that as it worked. Lol. Just wondering. Not s single comment, response, closed sign. Nada. It's eerie. (I'm a fan). Maybe we all signed up unknowingly for dream testing. (Bwahahaha). I don't dream so I would stink at that btw. True story.