
Happy weekend! I hope you all are having a fantastic time and exploring multiple worlds through art, stories, and enjoying all the little things life has to offer. 
          	Writing is in process with a large pot of coffee! If you’d like to come hang out, I do frequent a lot of discord servers and dump in my personal one. While my dumping zone isn’t currently open (because it needs reorganization and cleaning), I would like to extend an invite to a server you can usually find me being unhinged (and not too much of a swot) in: The Court of Shadows.
          	Readers and creatives are welcome! 


Happy weekend! I hope you all are having a fantastic time and exploring multiple worlds through art, stories, and enjoying all the little things life has to offer. 
          Writing is in process with a large pot of coffee! If you’d like to come hang out, I do frequent a lot of discord servers and dump in my personal one. While my dumping zone isn’t currently open (because it needs reorganization and cleaning), I would like to extend an invite to a server you can usually find me being unhinged (and not too much of a swot) in: The Court of Shadows.
          Readers and creatives are welcome! 


Just dropping by to wish and hope you all are doing well! I’m not dead 
          I’ve just been quite sick so my energy stores and brain aren’t great (especially after a long work day). But meh… I’ve been overdue for a sick bout.
          Anywho… I hope you all are having a fantastic year so far and you’re having amazing journeys exploring many stories.


This is hopefully the last amendment to "update" on news of Sins and upcoming works. 
          As much as I've been pushing myself to get out all the chapters, I think the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 is really prompting me to slow down. There are a lot of things I would like to accomplish personally for my hobbies but also things that I personally do have to give my time to: family, my ever-growing pile of laundry, the state of actually deep cleaning and decluttering my house, and mostly family (aging, etc. etc.). 
          "Sins of the Father" is still on the table but will likely be finished and updated later this year. I'd like to be able to finish it by HL's second anniversary or even the story anniversary in May... but to do so would require a lot of long nights, long weekends (much more piles of laundry), and very irritated dogs and family members.
          Believe me, no one is more upset and betrayed as I am. These are the stories I want to read to completion. And I am happy to share them with you all as well. 
          If you're sticking till the end... from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


 Life has unfortunately struck and I’ll save the  woeful details. But in summary— got sick, lots of fatigue (like who falls asleep at 7:30/8 and wakes up at 6/7?!), mother in hospital, mother out of hospital, and work…lots of work. 
          “Sins of the Father” is on my agenda to be completed. No new projects yet. But completion likely has to be pushed out to Feb 10, 2025. 
          I’ll plodding along it with each day— but seeing as my word count has been like 100-200 words per day it hasn’t been a long writing session . 
          Anyways, I hope you all have a Happy Holiday season! Enjoy lots of warmth (or some waves if you’re in the tropics), cheer, and some good old relaxation! 


“Sins of the Father” is still on track to be completed this year (crosses fingers because I’m already behind on my self imposed deadlines). 
          What I probably need to do is tighten up my deadlines  and push through like that whole two months with “Confessions”. 
          Caroline’s chapter ended up being re-started at least seven times in the past month . And being under the weather and overwhelmed with work has astronomically not helped.
          A few things:
          The last chapters had a re-do on their outlines because the original secondary endings Didn’t hit quite as well . But I’m very excited to share it all with you! 
          Hopefully it weaves in the sprinkled lore pulled from the HP universe and the story lore so far. 
          We’ll be diving back into explorations of Tales from Beedle the Bard but a la the versions passed down from pureblood family to pureblood family and finishing everything up. 
          I hope you’re all doing well! Remember to drink water, eat healthy (and indulge from time to time with fries and chocolate). 


Oooo *eyes* 