//this is my og bïtch whose dark and bitter like a human espresso and he gives absolutely zero fucks -
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//this is my og bïtch whose dark and bitter like a human espresso and he gives absolutely zero fucks -
//this is my og bïtch whose dark and bitter like a human espresso and he gives absolutely zero fucks -
long time no see , darlin’
@touchofdcath yeah we’re nothing . doesn’t matter , because soon i’ll most likely just die . so it doesn’t matter .
@EXPERlMENT Aw . . . I almost feel sorry for the two of you. What are you guys now, then? Just . . /nothing/?
@touchofdcath roger , mhm he was my boyfriend , my fiancé , until our lives turned into a fuckin’ shitshow .
* \\ i seriously want to role play but i'm scared because your anon seems so well-thought of --
//; abby i’m sobbinf i think i broke my pinky toe ;;;^;;;
|| I Love This
i feel like you one of those villains in the movies, kind of weird to see one of you in person. -the male said, cracking a wide smile as he looked at the other, one which was surprisingly genuine to one whom would be looking at him, and that accent of his, it failed to be remnant as he spoke.-
@touchofdcath glad you don't find me boring , i find you quite intriguing if i am being honest , not gonna lie but I've heard a few people talking about you . . some weird kids at my school , and i just had to meet you myself . . your name is as mysterious as you are , bones . i like it .
@insurrection * bones listened to him and nodded slowly, running a hand through his hair before shrugging * You weren't boring me. It's fine. I didn't think people like me existed until I, well, became like this. I'm Bones. It's nice to me you I guess. * he shrugged and looked down *
@touchofdcath yes, of course. . my brother and i, we went to the theater the other day, we saw a villain, or should i say a man, just like you on the screen. . pretty amazing, how people with such abilities exist, anyways. . not to bore you or anything, my name is alex. . great to meet you. -the boy said, deciding not to hold his hand out for the other to shake. . for he knew all about the man, and his abilities as well. .-
/ yikes it sucks but here - SCHOOL TRIPS WERE USUALLY SOMETHING CHILDREN LOOK FORWARD TO , but in the case of KATIE HUX , it was the opposite. she dreaded && hated the trips , doing her best to avoid them. they wouldn't even be that bad. they got to leave the academy , explore part of a planet , && not be so tightly watched , but the fact that it was split with girls going on one trip , && boys on another made it terrible. the ginger had no friends of the opposite gender , she only had her brother , which made the trips boring. still , she had to go. the group of young teens made quick work of getting dressed on the ship , polishing their shoes && sliding their gloves on ( things were often poisonous on some planets && it was best not to touch anything with a bare hand ) , && pulling their hair up in buns or ponytails. the planet was EARTH , && they were being dropped off basically in the middle of nowhere. KATIE let out a sigh. she followed the group for a while , jotting down things on her notepad as she went , or identifying the odd plant , until she got so bored she couldn't take it any longer. walking off was easy. their teacher found an organism ( a lizard or something like that ) , && the class was so busy fawning over it no one noticed her leave. she walked for a while , not really sure where to go , until she saw someone. a human , too ! what good luck ! she hoped they spoke basic when she yelled to them , " hey ! mister ! could ya help me a little here ? "
Unfortunately for him , Katie was stubborn , especially when there was a chance she didn't have to go back to the academy. She quickly opened her eyes and ran after him. "I'll leave you alone forever if you just help me out." She said. "I'm not asking for love , I'm asking for some kind of empathy here ! I know people have it , I've read about it ! " She wanted to say she knew from experience , but that would be a lie.
@theotherhux All the assassin wanted to do was /go home/. He looked up at her when she stepped in front of him, an eyebrow raised. Bones shook his head afterwards and decided to simply ignore the girl. Without a word, he shoved past her and kept walking, chewing on his bottom lip.
" no , but that wouldn't be a problem ! " she exclaimed , one hundred percent honestly. katie jumped in front of him. " honestly you could kill me and it'd be a step up from my life. " she admitted. it was a little sad that she wasn't lying , and she spread her arms out to show that he could hit her , as well as closing her eyes.
/ this ?? account ??? is ??? amazing ???
/ c: ok ! i might do the academy trip one , just gimme a moment to write it up !
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