
i’ll start writing again. 


this message may be offensive
@toughluvguk holy shit fuck yea


@toughluvguk I’m so sorry, just saw, this


i’ll start writing again. 


this message may be offensive
@toughluvguk holy shit fuck yea


@toughluvguk I’m so sorry, just saw, this


should i continue writing anything??


That is something you should decide on. I like your work I'll give you that. But no one is forcing you to write. So if you want to stop and go on with your life, go for it. Do whatever you think is best for you. I support whatever decision you make. 


this message may be offensive
hi. i’m gonna try and finish writing the Nalu story but, anime just ain’t my shit anymore. i haven’t watch it in so long. i’ve grown out of it. i’m sorry. don’t hate me!
          i’ll finish the book i swear. but after that i won’t write another anime book. it just doesn’t interest me anymore. 
          i’ve already started to change my account into kpop because that’s is what i really like. what i actually want to write about. 
          i know that not a lot to you like kpop so you probably won’t read the books i write anymore, but that’s okay. 
          if you do want to read them the PLEASE do it. i just posted a new story and i’m planning on truly working my hardest on it. 
          sorry again i luv you 


@Unbiasedhusky you’re sweet, thank you for understanding. 


@toughluvguk hey its all cool. We are no one to tell you what to do. You do what makes you happy I support you. Just as long as your good and happy. And hey I'll take a read at your new story. I'm always up for something new. 


          I read the hi thing and I don't like it that you are depressed it makes me sad 
          I just want to tell you even if you don't believe me 
          1-you are someone important you have a very bright future if you continue to write
          2-please don't commit suicide cause I know I had a friend that was 16 and she was very depressed and one day she couldn't handle it and she killed herself
          3-I just want to say that I will read anything you write 
          BYEEEE love ya feel better cause you are a very special person don't believe anyone who disagrees cause I KNOW you are.


Aweee thx u so much and ya I’ve had a friends who had committed suicide Too and I might be posting a new story tonight so ya 


          I don't want to be rude but I am on the vurge of just having a major breakout 
          Please update quick
          I understand if you are busy I just need to know what happened to Happy 
          You left a CLIFFHANGER how could you no!!!!!!!