


After reading  how you are leaving wattpad forever I feel extremely guilty even I never insulted you (this is my first time reading your profile and stories ) and I am on the verge of crying (and I'm a guy), I hope you come back to the site one day and I wish a thousand terrible curses on the people who were mean to you. From what I can tell you give your heart out to the readers just to be the best author you can to them, an author as great as yourself does not deserve such treatment. With the kindness you have shown you deserve to be treated like a queen on this site. I hope you come back to the site one day and me (your new follower and your 603 followers will be waiting for your return. Once again I am truly sorry for what happened :'(


There are over 997 people who care about you. And every single one of them I am sure will tell you the same thing. You are worth so much, and we love you. I'm going to tell you something. Every 40 seconds someone kills themselves. But from the point someone decides to. It takes 41 seconds for someone to realize, their life is worth sparing.


this message may be offensive
YOU DON'T FUCKING NEED TO DIE! YOU NEED TO LIVE! You need to keep going! Hell is no place for you. I know you must still have a sliver of hope or you wouldn't still be here and I need you to know that it's worth living. Your life is worth so much, we love and care about you, we do!




We all love what you do and you're amazing please don't leave us, the world will be missing someone awesome and everyone would miss you, whether they admit it or not, everyone would miss you, please stay with us. You're awesome and everyone's life has meaning and everyone has their place in the world, and everyone would be missed by at least one person, some such as yourself would be missed by lots of people. And people have tough times and people have tough lives in general, but everything will get better just please don't leave.


@nekogirl335 Don't kill yourself. Don't. Please. We care about you, and so many people need you. 