Hello to my few followers! (who I highly doubt will read this but anyway!) You have probably noticed the whole I haven't updated any of my books in a very long time (Other than Darkness which i updated for the soul purpose of annoying one of my amazing friends.. sorry, i will probably delete that chapter some time soon but anyway), and i really don't intend to. My love for Pewds has really died down in the last few months only because i really have to much on in my life to be concentrating on youtuber's right now... :( I feel so bad, but ive been questioning a lot of things lately and i just haven't had as much time as i used to for this sort of thing, so unless i start watching him again (I do occasionally only for actual long play throughs, (I LOVE LIFE IS STRANGE!! ASDFGHJKL!)) I most likely wont be updating that ever again, and i don't even remember what my other one was about so i think that answers that question..
But I have actually been writing a 'Chose your own adventure book', sort of inspired by some of the Goosebumps ones i read when i was younger which could be cool, I'm about 7-8 chapters in but obviously i cant post that until its complete. I'm interested to see how it goes actually because from what i know there's only one other on Wattpad and it isn't actually full chapters for each choice like mine will be :) But please don't expect that for a while either because its going to take a lot of work!
Anyways if anybody actually made it though all that, then i just want to say thanks for sticking with me even though i literally never post!
-Sally :)