
feel my heart is getting lost
          	Being myself is painful    


          Please don’t leave me halfway; it feels misty and dark.
          I’m terrified, and I know you are too.
          But I want to live a little longer—I’m sorry.
          I know I’m selfish, but please bear with my last wish.
          I understand why you hated me; I hate me too.
          Guilt drowns me, choking my voice with dirt.
          There’s no need to hold my hand or comfort me.
          I only ask that you walk by my side and stay.
          It may sound pointless, but let me keep walking beside you
          until the last beat of my heart.


لا اريد ان أنظر للعالم
          لا اريد للعالم أن ينظر لي
          لا أريد أن أنظر لنفسي....
          لذلك قطعت كل الصحف
          أغلقت كل النوافذ
          و هشمت كل المرايا 
          الان لا أنظر لشيء و لاشيء ينظر لي