just as a general statement: i am alive and i do know that i have so much unfinished work on here. I still check in from time to time and you have no idea how much I appreciate the kind comments and support I receive on my stories. the last 3 or so years, I’ve been barely existing between fighting a gnarly battle with sobriety and recovery from a ton of mental health issues, I’ve somehow managed to finally get a breath of fresh air. really do hope that i can eventually come back to some semblance of normalcy and maybe take a look at continuing some of my unfinished projects. until then, thanks for sticking around and thank you for your encouragement; without it, I probably would have abandoned all of these stories a long long time ago. thanks for being you, hope i can write for you some more sometime soon

i’m sorry to hear you’ve been struggling, but i’m glad that you’re doing better! you’re an amazing writer ❤️