
just as a general statement: i am alive and i do know that i have so much unfinished work on here. I still check in from time to time and you have no idea how much I appreciate the kind comments and support I receive on my stories. the last 3 or so years, I’ve been barely existing  between fighting a gnarly battle with sobriety and recovery from a ton of mental health issues, I’ve somehow managed to finally get a breath of fresh air. really do hope that i can eventually come back to some semblance of normalcy and maybe take a look at continuing some of my unfinished projects. until then, thanks for sticking around and thank you for your encouragement; without it, I probably would have abandoned all of these stories a long long time ago. thanks for being you, hope i can write for you some more sometime soon 


@neverforeverx thank you so much ♥️


i’m sorry to hear you’ve been struggling, but i’m glad that you’re doing better! you’re an amazing writer ❤️


just as a general statement: i am alive and i do know that i have so much unfinished work on here. I still check in from time to time and you have no idea how much I appreciate the kind comments and support I receive on my stories. the last 3 or so years, I’ve been barely existing  between fighting a gnarly battle with sobriety and recovery from a ton of mental health issues, I’ve somehow managed to finally get a breath of fresh air. really do hope that i can eventually come back to some semblance of normalcy and maybe take a look at continuing some of my unfinished projects. until then, thanks for sticking around and thank you for your encouragement; without it, I probably would have abandoned all of these stories a long long time ago. thanks for being you, hope i can write for you some more sometime soon 


@neverforeverx thank you so much ♥️


i’m sorry to hear you’ve been struggling, but i’m glad that you’re doing better! you’re an amazing writer ❤️


hey buckaroos! tongue twister is FINALLY finished!!! in celebration i have posted another Harry Potter story - it’s a Sirius black one that I’ve been working on for a little while. check it out if you wanna, I’m really excited about it :) 


I wanna update but my creative side is running a bit dry. For now I’m gonna beat my head against a wall while I work on the next p&t chapter and try to finish tongue twister. Please bear with me guys I am trying my absolute best 


Okay buckaroos. I wrote the proud to be series a LONG time ago. I’m going back and editing it and trying to fix it where it can be fixed. If you’re reading it right now, I’d say wait for a little while and then start, but that’s up to you. Overall it’s not a great story and I want to redo it but I don’t have the drive, so fixing it will have to do. Thank you all for your continued support!


I’m going to start writing a story based off a few things that have happened to my friends and myself this past year. It’s things that I’ve never spoken about, or try to avoid. It’s an outlet for anything that I’ve been feeling about it. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading