God this app looks awful now wtf
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God this app looks awful now wtf
“I appreciate the follow.”
i don't see anyone talking about it and idk how wattpad censors work, but free p@lestine. donation link. v
،، Hey, yo, Emmet. You have a minute? I have a trolley problem for you. ”
@-bossway Vile, on the other hand, had to pause for a second himself after getting such a response so instantly. ،، ... Huh. Not sure if I could do the same in that situation. If it was /my/ brother, anyway. I mean, you're right, but still. ”
❛ I switch the tracks. ❜ Said without a moment's hesitation, almost before the other can even finish their inquire. ❛ Mhm. Yup. It'd be a shame to lose my brother. But it's the right thing to do. ❜ [ @frctellone ]
@-bossway ،، Okay! Okay, so ... Right. Runaway trolley barreling down the railway. Let's say there's five of your depot agents strapped to the tracks, but Ingo is strapped to the side tracks. Do you switch the tracks or not? ”
/ your account is so aesthetically gorgeous.
emmet is asexual but not because he doesn't like sex. he is asexual for others protection
⠀//⠀For someone madly in love with this man, I'm sure bad at getting back to interactions!!!
⠀//⠀Might be a bit longer, I just want to express I love Emmet so so much, hello. <3
Damn it. Damn it! Ah, he should have expected this much, but the sting of it still managed to get to him more than he'd let himself show. All that hard work he put into getting here for the chance to battle Emmet, maybe those victories had him a little too eager at the thought of beating the subway boss. Sure, his team put up a decent enough fight, and he was proud of how well they did despite the enemy being as tough as they were, but ... Vile huffed, looking to the pokéball still in his hand. He'd have to take care of them at their next stop. Putting them away, he simply moved to plop down to take a seat before he looked back over towards Emmet. Man, that smile was starting to feel eerie. ،، So much for managing a win in my first visit. ” He sighed. In hindsight, that idea was just way too optimistic. He's heard enough about these guys to know he probably shouldn't have had his hopes set that high. Ingo and Emmet ... they were really tough opponents. Guess the truth of it settles in best with first-hand experience. ،، Guess I'll have to come back to Unova and try again. ” ⠀//⠀Sorry I'm just thinking really really hard about the boys and I wrote a bit more than I expected to here.
❛ㅤAㅤphotoㅤafterㅤlosing?ㅤ❜ㅤThereㅤisㅤaㅤfauxㅤpauseㅤofㅤconsideration.ㅤOfㅤcourseㅤheㅤwon'tㅤsayㅤ'no',ㅤnotㅤafterㅤsuchㅤanㅤenjoyableㅤmatch.ㅤBeingㅤrejectedㅤbyㅤaㅤsuperiorㅤbattlerㅤwouldㅤcertainlyㅤnotㅤdoㅤthisㅤtrainer'sㅤjourneyㅤtoㅤbettermentㅤanyㅤfavors,ㅤeither!ㅤ...ㅤAndㅤEmmetㅤearnestlyㅤdoes,ㅤwantㅤthemㅤtoㅤcomeㅤbackㅤnewㅤandㅤimproved.ㅤSoㅤheㅤoffersㅤthemㅤaㅤcurtㅤnod. ❛ㅤEmmetㅤwillㅤtakeㅤaㅤpictureㅤwithㅤyou.ㅤOnceㅤtheㅤtrainㅤstops.ㅤAndㅤweㅤhaveㅤreturnedㅤtoㅤstation.ㅤ❜ㅤWhichㅤwouldㅤbeㅤwithinㅤtheㅤnextㅤ/ㅤtenㅤminutesㅤ/ㅤorㅤso.ㅤTheㅤsubwayㅤbossㅤdoesn'tㅤbotherㅤexplainingㅤtheㅤspecificsㅤofㅤtheㅤbattleㅤtrack.ㅤNoㅤoneㅤeverㅤasks. [ㅤ@frctelloneㅤ]
@-bossway He managed a smile at that, pushing aside the lingering sting of defeat. Dwelling on that feeling wouldn't do him any good, he knew that by now. It would just make him overthink everything about being a trainer, like he used to do all the time growing up. Not that he was entirely past those feelings of doubt. What he needed to focus on was getting better, training a little harder when he gets back to Galar. ،، You bet I will. ” It was a goal he was set on now. Someday, he'd be able to win against both of the bosses. Individually, for now. After that, maybe he'll set his sights on the multi-train. One step at a time. Already a bit of a leap trying the double battles as it is. ،، I'll be back to ride again in no time. ” Pulling his phone from his pocket, he checked the notifications real quick. A few texts that he didn't necessarily wanna check yet. Instead, he looked to Emmet again. ،، Oh – By the way, would you mind taking a picture with me? ” Oh lord, he felt like Raihan right now, wanting a selfie after a battle like this. But it was more just for the fact it was a Subway Boss. He had to admit, it was ... kinda cool, even if he did lose this time.
//;ㅤㅤsㅤfineㅤdudeㅤiㅤthinkㅤ thisㅤturnedㅤoutㅤlongerㅤtbh TheㅤwinㅤcomesㅤasㅤaㅤsurpriseㅤtoㅤtheㅤSubwayㅤBoss.ㅤ Whenㅤheㅤbattles,ㅤheㅤneverㅤknowsㅤwhatㅤtoㅤexpectㅤ:ㅤandㅤthat'sㅤwhatㅤheㅤfindsㅤmostㅤexcitingㅤaboutㅤthem.ㅤHe'dㅤsurveyedㅤtheㅤtrainerㅤwithㅤanㅤironㅤgaze,ㅤneverㅤonceㅤpausingㅤtoㅤregisterㅤaㅤmoveㅤbeforeㅤitㅤleftㅤhisㅤmouthㅤwithㅤaㅤcurtㅤcall.ㅤAndㅤitㅤwasㅤexciting!ㅤAsㅤifㅤaㅤJoltikㅤhadㅤattachedㅤitselfㅤtoㅤtheㅤbackㅤofㅤhisㅤscalp,ㅤandㅤwereㅤsendingㅤthunderㅤwaveㅤafterㅤthunderㅤwaveㅤdirectlyㅤintoㅤhisㅤblood. Emmetㅤfeltㅤsoㅤelectrified,ㅤthatㅤtheㅤsuddenㅤwinningㅤblowㅤbyㅤhisㅤDURANTㅤcausesㅤhimㅤtoㅤfeelㅤaㅤsuddenㅤnumbness,ㅤasㅤifㅤtheㅤmoveㅤhadㅤfinallyㅤburnedㅤhisㅤnervesㅤawayㅤ...ㅤAndㅤheㅤstandsㅤrootedㅤtoㅤhisㅤspotㅤinㅤtheㅤmiddleㅤofㅤtheㅤcart,ㅤeyesㅤgluedㅤtoㅤtheㅤlosingㅤteamㅤdespiteㅤtheㅤotherㅤtrainer'sㅤlaxㅤdisengage.ㅤSo!ㅤSo!ㅤExciting!ㅤRaisingㅤhisㅤpokeball,ㅤtheㅤbarelyㅤtouchedㅤsteelㅤpokemonㅤretreatsㅤinsideㅤforㅤaㅤrest.ㅤHeㅤwondersㅤifㅤothersㅤoutsideㅤofㅤUnovaㅤalsoㅤhaveㅤsuchㅤlackㅤofㅤawarenessㅤforㅤattackㅤpatterns.ㅤHeㅤwondersㅤifㅤthey'dㅤloseㅤasㅤwell.ㅤWhenㅤtheㅤnumbnessㅤfinallyㅤbeginsㅤtoㅤsubside,ㅤandㅤtheㅤballㅤisㅤbackㅤonㅤhisㅤbelt,ㅤtheㅤmanㅤgivesㅤhisㅤsignatureㅤspeech. ❛ㅤㅤIㅤamㅤEmmet.ㅤIㅤwonㅤagainstㅤyou.ㅤButㅤitㅤwasㅤyourㅤfirstㅤtime.ㅤWhenㅤyouㅤuseㅤaㅤmove,ㅤsometimesㅤitㅤisㅤnotㅤtheㅤmoveㅤyouㅤwantㅤtoㅤuse.ㅤButㅤyouㅤwillㅤbeㅤmuch,ㅤmuchㅤstrongerㅤnextㅤtime.ㅤIㅤwillㅤwaitㅤforㅤyouㅤtoㅤcomeㅤback!ㅤ❜ [ㅤ@frctelloneㅤ]
fave semi small hc that makes no sense is that drayden is emmet & ingo's dad. somehow. biologically or adopted. works either way
i feel like they get their efficient nature from him bc he was the type of parent who would be like " ok kids. here are some pointy sticks. get results ". they both receive axew eggs bc its a family tradition. buuut he probably kept distant bc of work. like he fucks off to be a gym leader and it's like. yeah okay. elesa asks emmet why she's never seen his dad (when they are itty spiders) and he's like " he's a gym leader. " && elesa is like, " oh??? " and freaks out when he shows her their family photo LMAO. iris is connected to them somehow but also very detached. don't think they ever actually interact with her outside of acknowledgment when she becomes the new gym leader. she's not their daughter so it's kind of an eyeball when she says she's drayden's gd but hey he's trying to like, actually parent her so who cares
class of 2023 :^)
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