
I'm being published in real book called 
          	"Where the Mind Dwells" in a couple of months. One of my poems! So happy! 


Feel so alone in a crowed room
          Feel so alone when no one is near
          Feel so alone when you're sitting there with a blade to your skin
          Feel so alone when no one will hear
          Feel so alone when all is out of your reach 
          Feel so alone when your loved ones are gone
          When alone you think 
          When you think you cry
          When you cry the blade comes in your hand
          When the blade is near you cut your skin
          When you cut your skin it gets deeper
          When it gets deeper your blood slowly comes out
          Letting it bleed and bleed
          Until there is no blood and there is no breathing
          Your pain is now gone
          No one can hurt you
          There words are gone 
          Feelings are gone
          You still feel alone…