
i don't have friends on here i'm literally just talking into the void


i think i've figured out why i hate fluff so much. it doesn't move the plot forward. especially if it's used literally just for the sake of being fluffy. i mean, it's okay if it's used in the resolution or in a calm-before-storm kind of moment, but it always has to serve a purpose to the plot. otherwise it's just boring.


I see so many people on Instagram saying stuff like "Jack would never do that to Cylia, he's the nicest person ever!!" Like- y'all do know that Jack is a professional actor, right? They literally gET PAID TO PRETEND TO BE SOMEONE THEY'RE NOT


@ FuzzyBeeBee  Literally same.


@tr4shmovth dude, it hurt me so much to hear that he did that to her. I can never forgive him for what he did. It was really screwed up