
Spamming you for no reason! I realised I need to wait until after I get my mark back that I can put the portfolio up, so by November 16 at the latest!


Hi! I think you are really talented! You really should continue to write! You could go far! Because of this, I was wondering if you could read my stories? And perhaps tell me your honest opinion and give me any advice you think I need! And trust me, I need it! Give it a think? Anyway, thankyou! Keep writing! :D xx 
          -Kelly. <3 


OK, so I got home from the hairdressers this afternoon and got the mail. There was a letter for me, which you know never happens so I was excited in that itself. And it was from a writing competition. Now I had actually entered last year, not this year, so I thought hmmm why are they sending me mail. It turns out my story, Everything, is in the top 15% of entries from 2005-2011.
          And according to the letter, I am an honoured writer. 
          Now comes the question, they said I can enter Everything, or I can write a new piece. Can I please get you guys to read Everything and tell me what you think? They said they want something fresh, under 500 words. Please help me out!
          Thank you all so much!


Well I have an old crappy computer that is so slow, but all well, it's a computer that works... the downside... no files on this computer... which means... no writing for a while... which would have been the same anyway cause I have exams coming up, (and yes I should be studying right now, but meh) and so I am kinda screaming at myself for not backing up my stories after i got back from getting the photos printed!!!
          I shall upload ASAP!
          tragicallyloved xx :)


My computer... has DIED
          No kidding, it will not turn on. It come sup with the first screen, then windows did not shut down properly then either safe mode loading screen or windows loading screen... turns off and repeats the process!
          But the most devastating thing is... that all my stories are on there... I am seriously hitting myself for taking them off my flashstick!
          So all stories on hold... and also due to the fact that I have exams for the next month!
          Summer will be your fix of them. I promise. One a day (or if your luck 2 a day... of the same book)
          Until then, tragicallyloved xx :)
          PS I'm on the home computer which doesn't have the latest version of my stories :(