Ciao! Thank you so much for following! I hope you can read my stories 'cause I also am planning to read yours! Especially THE LONE ROSE. It sounds interesting to read :)) Okay, goodbye for now! I hope we can be great friends! =))))))
...and thank you for choosing to follow me, too.
I didn't know you could make cheese from unicorn milk. I've had goat cheese, cow cheese and sheep cheese, but that's a new one.
Hi @tragik_bliss and thank you for reading my Nightmares. I'm delighted that Caitlin could captivate you so completely that you voted for her story - I hope you stay with her right up 'til the end!
Read The Lone Rose, and I loved it! It's so much like my life, in a way bcs my best guy friend and I sort of have a thing going on. The only difference is that I don't really have a tragic past.. And hey, did I tell you my name's Joanne too? :D